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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


(fr-fr) foobar, Advanced, Advanced- Swarna test us, Basic, Basic (ES), Basic (IT), De base, De base, foobar, Hound, Oiseaux aquatiques, swarna test advanced, Test avancé - Swarna FR-BE, Upland, Waterfowl

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3

by Charlie Jurney

I talked about getting the pick of the litter in Part 2 of this article series. Now you have to decide whether you want a started dog or a finished dog. So now you know what you’re looking for in a puppy, but what if you do not want to deal...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 2Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 2

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2

by Charlie Jurney

Dans la première partie de cette série d'articles, j'ai abordé l'achat d'un chiot et la prise en compte des lignées. Nous allons maintenant nous pencher sur le meilleur éleveur et comment choisir la bonne portée. La manière la plus raisonnable de trouver un chiot bien élevé pour vous-même est de faire beaucoup de recherches. Demandez à chaque éleveur...

Don't Forget to Introduce Your Duck Dog to DecoysDon't Forget to Introduce Your Duck Dog to Decoys

Don't Forget to Introduce Your Duck Dog to Decoys

by Charlie Jurney

In our excitement to build a retriever into a top-notch waterfowl dog, it’s easy to forget small but important details. For example, your dog might make you proud when he completes a long retrieve. But the first time you ask him to swim through four dozen decoys to retrieve a...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2

by Charlie Jurney

Dans la première partie de cette série d'articles, j'ai abordé l'achat d'un chiot et la prise en compte des lignées. Nous allons maintenant nous pencher sur le meilleur éleveur et comment choisir la bonne portée. La manière la plus raisonnable de trouver un chiot bien élevé pour soi-même est de faire beaucoup de recherches. Demandez à chaque éleveur...


With his wife Terri, Rick co-owns and operates Perfect 10 Kennel. Their business offers boarding, grooming, and retriever training. They also breed Labrador retrievers. Rick has 30 years of experience in retriever training, participating in everything from field trials to hunt tests to upland hunting competitions.With his wife Terri, Rick co-owns and operates Perfect 10 Kennel. Their business offers boarding, grooming, and retriever training. They also breed Labrador retrievers. Rick has 30 years of experience in retriever training, participating in everything from field trials to hunt tests to upland hunting competitions.

Rick Grant

3 articles

With his wife Terri, Rick co-owns and operates Perfect 10 Kennel. Their business offers boarding, grooming, and retriever training. They also breed Labrador retrievers. Rick has 30 years of experience in retriever training, participating in everything from field trials to hunt tests to upland hunting competitions.

Owner of Etehoma Creek Kennels, a kennel that offers a training program for squirrel/coon dogs from beginner to finished dogs, Jeffrey has been hunting tree dogs since he was 6 years old and has continued his passion for hunting for the last 32 years. He also competes in competition hunts...Owner of Etehoma Creek Kennels, a kennel that offers a training program for squirrel/coon dogs from beginner to finished dogs, Jeffrey has been hunting tree dogs since he was 6 years old and has continued his passion for hunting for the last 32 years. He also competes in competition hunts...

Jeffrey Wood

2 articles

Owner of Etehoma Creek Kennels, a kennel that offers a training program for squirrel/coon dogs from beginner to finished dogs, Jeffrey has been hunting tree dogs since he was 6 years old and has continued his passion for hunting for the last 32 years. He also competes in competition hunts...

Bradley was introduced to wild game hunting at 10 years old and has been passionate about it ever since. While Bradley works as a volunteer fireman, he also heads the duck hunting group DCWATERFOWL, which films hunting excursions to show fellow sportsmen the joys of waterfowl hunting.

	He is married to...Bradley was introduced to wild game hunting at 10 years old and has been passionate about it ever since. While Bradley works as a volunteer fireman, he also heads the duck hunting group DCWATERFOWL, which films hunting excursions to show fellow sportsmen the joys of waterfowl hunting.

	He is married to...

Bradley Bradshaw

2 articles

Bradley was introduced to wild game hunting at 10 years old and has been passionate about it ever since. While Bradley works as a volunteer fireman, he also heads the duck hunting group DCWATERFOWL, which films hunting excursions to show fellow sportsmen the joys of waterfowl hunting. He is married to...

Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...

Matt Mates

1 article

Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...

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