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The All-In-One Tool Every Dog Owner NeedsThe All-In-One Tool Every Dog Owner Needs

The All-In-One Tool Every Dog Owner Needs

Posted by The SportDOG Staff

We know there are several tools available to help with training. From e-collars, to In-Ground Fence™ systems, and bark collars … it takes a lot of tools to train and manage a dog.

The below scenarios further illustrate just how many tools it can take for proper training.

1) Boundary Training - This is achieved with an In-Ground Fence™ system. Some things you will need/receive are flags (boundary markers), Collar Receiver and Add-A-Dog® Collar Receiver, depending on how many dogs you have, and fence Transmitter. You don’t need a Remote Transmitter to boundary train your dog. This training is most suitable for individuals who want to teach their dog not to leave a certain area while outdoors.

2) General Training - Whether you want to train your dog to retrieve a bird or simply have him/her sit when given the command, an e-collar can assist you. The ability to make a correction immediately can really speed up the training process. Having an e-collar set up allows you to maintain control of the dog at all times, on or off leash.

3) Hunting - When you are out hunting with your dog, the major key to success is communication. How do you communicate with a dog that’s on a long retrieve and voice/whistle commands become ineffective? You probably don't want to run after them through a field screaming, although you may have before. This is the perfect place for an e-collar system.

Now, wouldn’t it be nice if you could purchase just one system that functions as a boundary trainer, an in-yard trainer and a communication tool when hunting or afield?

The All-In-One Tool Every Dog Owner NeedsThe All-In-One Tool Every Dog Owner Needs

The SportDOG Brand® Contain + Train™ is the exact tool that’s needed. It eliminates the need for multiple pieces of equipment to train your dog. The Contain + Train includes an In-Ground Fence™ system that spans 100 acres and comes with a Collar Receiver and Remote Transmitter. The e-collar and Remote Transmitter function both inside and outside of the boundary and have a range of 500 yards. This system was designed to work with multiple existing models of SportDOG Brand Remote Transmitters, so chances are, the SportDOG® products you already own will work with the Contain + Train™.

Now you can rely on just one tool for boundary training, general training, or hunting.

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