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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


(fr-fr) foobar, Advanced, Advanced- Swarna test us, Basic, Basic (ES), Basic (IT), De base, De base, foobar, Hound, Oiseaux aquatiques, swarna test advanced, Test avancé - Swarna FR-BE, Upland, Waterfowl

Straight Talk About Protein for Hunting DogsStraight Talk About Protein for Hunting Dogs

Straight Talk About Protein for Hunting Dogs

by The SportDOG Staff

As I travel across the country attending field trials, visiting kennels and hunting, I get a lot of questions about dog food for some reason. One topic that stimulates many questions is protein quality and protein’s role in dog nutrition. Protein is required by the body for two reasons: To provide...

Watch for Displacement BehaviorWatch for Displacement Behavior

Watch for Displacement Behavior

by Charlie Jurney

No matter what breed of dog you’re training, at some point the dog will try any number of tricks to avoid giving up its alpha position. Yawning, scratching, sniffing, head shaking and licking are all ways in which your dog will attempt to delay performing a command. Your dog may...

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 1Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 1

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 1

by Charlie Jurney

Each time someone calls to ask about locating a puppy, I have flashbacks to my first dog, Sam. I purchased Sam from a friend who had an athletic eager hunting dog. He decided to breed his girl to a very nice looking male whose ancestors found fame in the show...

Gun Shy Dogs Can BlossomGun Shy Dogs Can Blossom

Gun Shy Dogs Can Blossom

by The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

Every dog training book will preach that you must be so very careful when introducing a young dog to the sight, and especially the sound of a shotgun, but rarely will they tell you how to cure a gun shy dog. Some dog training veterans simply will not try. It...

Poor Performance in Bird DogsPoor Performance in Bird Dogs

Poor Performance in Bird Dogs

by The SportDOG Staff

Your bird dog has been a strong, eager hunter with lots of pizzazz and snap, but now he has lost that snap, speed and stamina. He still eats well, is bright and alert and has normal bowel movements. Have you over-trained the dog or is it poor nutrition, heartworms or...

Pup’s First Hunt: Building Your FuturePup’s First Hunt: Building Your Future

Pup’s First Hunt: Building Your Future

by Chris Akin

A puppy’s first season, and more specifically, his first hunt, can be the most pivotal in his life as a gun dog. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and that impression can have a major impact on how a young dog is molded into a hunting...

Tips For Dove Hunting And Gun DogsTips For Dove Hunting And Gun Dogs

Tips For Dove Hunting And Gun Dogs

by The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

There are many things that you should do to prepare you and your dog for opening day of dove season. For most of us in the south, it is still very hot during dove season. The most important thing is to keep yourself and your dog hydrated! There are all...

What Does “Socializing” Your Puppy Mean?What Does “Socializing” Your Puppy Mean?

What Does “Socializing” Your Puppy Mean?

by Tom Dokken

You hear a lot about “socializing” your puppy, but what does that mean and why is it important? Socializing is actually training. By that I mean that every time you are with your puppy he is learning something. You need to make sure he’s learning what you want him to...

A Dog Ready for the FieldA Dog Ready for the Field

A Dog Ready for the Field

by Jeffrey Wood

Hunting seasons are in full swing. In bird fields you can hear the cackle of a bold rooster taking wing, along with the hoarse voice of a hunter screaming at his dog as it chases the gaudy pheasant to the next farm field. It is easy to hear all about...

Dealing with Hunting Dog InjuriesDealing with Hunting Dog Injuries

Dealing with Hunting Dog Injuries

by The SportDOG Staff

Cuts are common in hunting dogs. Briars, barbed-wire, broken glass, or even sharp broken saplings can slice a dog’s skin as it hunts. Appropriate field care of wounds can decrease healing time and make the veterinarian’s job much easier. Remember the watchwords: flush, fill and wrap. Flushing Fresh cuts may look quite...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 1Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 1

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 1

by Charlie Jurney

Chaque fois que quelqu'un appelle pour demander où trouver un chiot, je me remémore mon premier chien, Sam. J'ai acheté Sam à un ami qui avait un chien de chasse athlétique et enthousiaste. Il a décidé de faire reproduire sa femelle avec un mâle très séduisant dont les ancêtres avaient acquis de la notoriété dans les expositions...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 3Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 3

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 3

by Charlie Jurney

J'ai parlé de choisir le meilleur chiot dans la deuxième partie de cette série d'articles. Maintenant, vous devez décider si vous voulez un chien déjà formé ou un chien totalement dressé. Alors maintenant, vous savez ce que vous recherchez chez un chiot, mais que faire si vous ne voulez pas vous occuper...

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3

by Charlie Jurney

I talked about getting the pick of the litter in Part 2 of this article series. Now you have to decide whether you want a started dog or a finished dog. So now you know what you’re looking for in a puppy, but what if you do not want to deal...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 2Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 2

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2

by Charlie Jurney

Dans la première partie de cette série d'articles, j'ai abordé l'achat d'un chiot et la prise en compte des lignées. Nous allons maintenant nous pencher sur le meilleur éleveur et comment choisir la bonne portée. La manière la plus raisonnable de trouver un chiot bien élevé pour vous-même est de faire beaucoup de recherches. Demandez à chaque éleveur...

Don't Forget to Introduce Your Duck Dog to DecoysDon't Forget to Introduce Your Duck Dog to Decoys

Don't Forget to Introduce Your Duck Dog to Decoys

by Charlie Jurney

In our excitement to build a retriever into a top-notch waterfowl dog, it’s easy to forget small but important details. For example, your dog might make you proud when he completes a long retrieve. But the first time you ask him to swim through four dozen decoys to retrieve a...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2

by Charlie Jurney

Dans la première partie de cette série d'articles, j'ai abordé l'achat d'un chiot et la prise en compte des lignées. Nous allons maintenant nous pencher sur le meilleur éleveur et comment choisir la bonne portée. La manière la plus raisonnable de trouver un chiot bien élevé pour soi-même est de faire beaucoup de recherches. Demandez à chaque éleveur...


Charlie Jurney addestra cani da caccia e da competizione da oltre 30 anni. In questo periodo ha formato centinaia di cani titolati, inclusi Campioni di Gran Cacciatore di Retriever, Campioni di Cacciatore di Retriever, Cacciatori Esperti, Campioni di Gran Maestro di Cacciatore di Retriever e Cacciatori di Retriever Esperti. I suoi scritti sono stati pubblicati su The...Charlie Jurney addestra cani da caccia e da competizione da oltre 30 anni. In questo periodo ha formato centinaia di cani titolati, inclusi Campioni di Gran Cacciatore di Retriever, Campioni di Cacciatore di Retriever, Cacciatori Esperti, Campioni di Gran Maestro di Cacciatore di Retriever e Cacciatori di Retriever Esperti. I suoi scritti sono stati pubblicati su The...

Charlie Jurney

20 articles

Charlie Jurney addestra cani da caccia e da competizione da oltre 30 anni. In questo periodo ha formato centinaia di cani titolati, inclusi Campioni di Gran Cacciatore di Retriever, Campioni di Cacciatore di Retriever, Cacciatori Esperti, Campioni di Gran Maestro di Cacciatore di Retriever e Cacciatori di Retriever Esperti. I suoi scritti sono stati pubblicati su The...

Ben Garcia pense qu'il y a un secret dans le dressage des chiens : "Savoir où vous voulez aller et où vous voulez que votre chien termine." Ben dit que cet objectif est la clé pour développer votre meilleur ami sur le terrain. Avec cela en tête, Ben traite chaque chien comme un individu,...Ben Garcia pense qu'il y a un secret dans le dressage des chiens : "Savoir où vous voulez aller et où vous voulez que votre chien termine." Ben dit que cet objectif est la clé pour développer votre meilleur ami sur le terrain. Avec cela en tête, Ben traite chaque chien comme un individu,...

Ben Garcia

1 article

Ben Garcia pense qu'il y a un secret dans le dressage des chiens : "Savoir où vous voulez aller et où vous voulez que votre chien termine." Ben dit que cet objectif est la clé pour développer votre meilleur ami sur le terrain. Avec cela en tête, Ben traite chaque chien comme un individu,...

Owner of Etehoma Creek Kennels, a kennel that offers a training program for squirrel/coon dogs from beginner to finished dogs, Jeffrey has been hunting tree dogs since he was 6 years old and has continued his passion for hunting for the last 32 years. He also competes in competition hunts...Owner of Etehoma Creek Kennels, a kennel that offers a training program for squirrel/coon dogs from beginner to finished dogs, Jeffrey has been hunting tree dogs since he was 6 years old and has continued his passion for hunting for the last 32 years. He also competes in competition hunts...

Jeffrey Wood

2 articles

Owner of Etehoma Creek Kennels, a kennel that offers a training program for squirrel/coon dogs from beginner to finished dogs, Jeffrey has been hunting tree dogs since he was 6 years old and has continued his passion for hunting for the last 32 years. He also competes in competition hunts...

Having started Goose Pit Kennels in 1989, Tab has 18 years of professional dog training experience. He has competed along with his son in goose calling. He won the 2000 Idaho goose calling champions and the two-man goose calling championship in 2002. He is an area chairman for Ducks Unlimited....Having started Goose Pit Kennels in 1989, Tab has 18 years of professional dog training experience. He has competed along with his son in goose calling. He won the 2000 Idaho goose calling champions and the two-man goose calling championship in 2002. He is an area chairman for Ducks Unlimited....

Tab Smith FR

1 article

Having started Goose Pit Kennels in 1989, Tab has 18 years of professional dog training experience. He has competed along with his son in goose calling. He won the 2000 Idaho goose calling champions and the two-man goose calling championship in 2002. He is an area chairman for Ducks Unlimited....

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