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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


(fr-fr) foobar, Advanced, Advanced- Swarna test us, Basic, Basic (ES), Basic (IT), De base, De base, foobar, Hound, Oiseaux aquatiques, swarna test advanced, Test avancé - Swarna FR-BE, Upland, Waterfowl

Andrey test blog post

by Joe Pausha

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best e-collar for training your dog, ensuring that when the time comes, you’re equipped with a tool that’s up to the task, no matter how tough the conditions.In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best e-collar for training your dog, ensuring that when the time comes, you’re equipped with a tool that’s up to the task, no matter how tough the conditions.

The Ultimate SportDOG Guide: Choosing the Best E-Collar for Your Dog

by Charlie Jurney

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best e-collar for training your dog, ensuring that when the time comes, you’re equipped with a tool that’s up to the task, no matter how tough the conditions.

Andrey test blog post

by Joe Pausha

3 raisons d'utiliser TEK 2.0 pour la chasse aux ratons laveurs3 raisons d'utiliser TEK 2.0 pour la chasse aux ratons laveurs

3 raisons d'utiliser TEK 2.0 pour la chasse aux ratons laveurs - test swarna

by Kim Bishop

Garder un œil sur mes Treeing Walkers dans les montagnes de Caroline du Nord est une tâche ardue. C'est vraiment un terrain difficile, tant du point de vue de la navigation que de la capacité à entendre mes chiens lorsqu'ils sont sur une piste ou perchés. L'un des avantages d'être un...

3 Reasons to Use TEK 2.0 for Coon Hunting3 Reasons to Use TEK 2.0 for Coon Hunting

3 Reasons to Use TEK 2.0 for Coon Hunting-swarna test

by Kim Bishop

Keeping tabs on my Treeing Walkers in the mountains of North Carolina is a tall task. It’s really challenging terrain from the standpoint of both navigating through it and also being able to hear my dogs when they’re on a track or treed. One of the perks of being a...

3 Facts About the NoBark SBC-R Bark-Control Collar3 Facts About the NoBark SBC-R Bark-Control Collar

3 Facts About the NoBark SBC-R Bark-Control Collar-Swarna test

by The SportDOG Staff

In a world of ever-changing technology, a company’s ability to anticipate and solve the needs of its customers through technological improvements is paramount. At the core of this resides extensive research and development and a commitment to continuing innovation. Since its creation in 2003, SportDOG® has made a promise to its...

3 faits sur le collier de contrôle des aboiements NoBark SBC-R3 faits sur le collier de contrôle des aboiements NoBark SBC-R

3 faits sur le collier de contrôle des aboiements NoBark SBC-R - Test Swarna

by The SportDOG Staff

Dans un monde de technologie en perpétuelle évolution, la capacité d'une entreprise à anticiper et résoudre les besoins de ses clients grâce à des améliorations technologiques est primordiale. Au cœur de cela réside une recherche et développement approfondis et un engagement envers l'innovation continue. Depuis sa création en 2003, SportDOG® a fait une promesse à ses...

Pointing dog in fieldPointing dog in field

5 Starter Tips for Raising a Great Pointing Dog

by LTC Jim Morehouse

So, you have a new pointing dog puppy in your house. Congratulations! I hope all your hopes and dreams about turning that pup into a bird-finding pro come true. But, as is true with all things in life, excellence doesn’t happen overnight. Everything is a process, and that’s especially true...

Retriever Training: Making the Most of Spring SeasonRetriever Training: Making the Most of Spring Season

Retriever Training: Making the Most of Spring Season

by Lyle Steinman

When winter drags on a little too long and it feels like spring will never get here, it’s really easy to procrastinate with your retriever training. Sure, you’re looking forward to bluebird days when you can get out and work on water training. This feeling of urgency to get back...

Retriever wearing a camo vestRetriever wearing a camo vest

Retriever Care in Cold Weather

by Chris Akin

Cold-weather waterfowling can mean a lot of extra work in sometimes nasty conditions, but those of us who take on those challenges are often rewarded with some of the season’s best hunting. It’s extremely satisfying to limit out when the wind is howling and ice is forming on the decoys,...

Dog in field wearing SportDOG training collarDog in field wearing SportDOG training collar

The Right Way to Cure Crowding

by Shawn Kinkelaar

One of the core principles of effective dog training is that the timing of a correction is critical. A dog associates a correction with whatever it is doing at the moment. Waiting too long to make a correction can create confusion. It doesn’t matter whether the correction is verbal, a tug...

Beagle in kennel wearing NoBark collarBeagle in kennel wearing NoBark collar

6 Travel Considerations for Hunting Season

by Tom Dokken

One-day or weekend bird-hunting trips are nice if you’re fortunate to have good destinations close to home, but for many hunters, long-distance, out-of-state trips are the norm. These extended adventures require more planning if you want to enjoy them to the fullest. Here are some considerations to keep in mind. Where...

Retriever wearing SportDOG collarRetriever wearing SportDOG collar

Dove Hunting is Great Prep for Waterfowl Season

by Tom Dokken

If you’re training a young retriever for waterfowl hunting, it makes sense that dove hunting should make for great practice. Both require your dog to remain steady, watch the sky and mark downed birds. If a dove hunt is going to be your dog’s first real hunting experience, you will find...

Dog runing through tall grassDog runing through tall grass

Think Smart when it Comes to Summer Training

by Shawn Kinkelaar

The list of things you can work on with your pointing dog during the summer months to prepare for the upcoming hunting season is plenty long. In addition to training and/or revisiting things from the last hunting season that need improvement, this is also a time to keep up with...

How Tone and Vibe Can Improve Your Upland Bird HuntingHow Tone and Vibe Can Improve Your Upland Bird Hunting

How Tone and Vibe Can Improve Your Upland Bird Hunting

by Tom Dokken

A flushing dog that has learned to work at just the right distance in front of hunters is a huge advantage in a pheasant field or grouse covert. “Just the right distance” varies with terrain and personal preference, but I think we can all agree that anytime your dog puts...

Controlling the Hunt with the HoundHunter® 3225Controlling the Hunt with the HoundHunter® 3225

Controlling the Hunt with the HoundHunter® 3225

by Kim Bishop

One of the most common topics of discussion when it comes to hound hunting is how to get your dog to handle. By “handle” I mean getting your dog to reliably return to you even when it’s far away and out of sight. This is a very simple concept to...


Ben Garcia glaubt, dass es ein Geheimnis beim Hundetraining gibt: „Wissen, wo man hin möchte und wo der Hund am Ende sein soll.“ Ben sagt, dass dieses Ziel der Schlüssel ist, um den besten Freund im Feld zu entwickeln. Mit dieser Einstellung behandelt Ben jeden Hund als Individuum,...Ben Garcia glaubt, dass es ein Geheimnis beim Hundetraining gibt: „Wissen, wo man hin möchte und wo der Hund am Ende sein soll.“ Ben sagt, dass dieses Ziel der Schlüssel ist, um den besten Freund im Feld zu entwickeln. Mit dieser Einstellung behandelt Ben jeden Hund als Individuum,...

Ben Garcia

1 article

Ben Garcia glaubt, dass es ein Geheimnis beim Hundetraining gibt: „Wissen, wo man hin möchte und wo der Hund am Ende sein soll.“ Ben sagt, dass dieses Ziel der Schlüssel ist, um den besten Freund im Feld zu entwickeln. Mit dieser Einstellung behandelt Ben jeden Hund als Individuum,...

Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...

Matt Mates

1 article

Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...

Derek est le fondateur et le président de la Central Kentucky Hunting Retriever Association, Inc. Après avoir constaté un besoin d'amélioration de nos races de retrievers de chasse, il s'est donné pour mission d'éduquer la communauté des retrievers en Central Kentucky sur les problèmes de santé courants, le travail de qualité des retrievers et les pratiques d'entraînement communes pour améliorer les retrievers. CKHRA...Derek est le fondateur et le président de la Central Kentucky Hunting Retriever Association, Inc. Après avoir constaté un besoin d'amélioration de nos races de retrievers de chasse, il s'est donné pour mission d'éduquer la communauté des retrievers en Central Kentucky sur les problèmes de santé courants, le travail de qualité des retrievers et les pratiques d'entraînement communes pour améliorer les retrievers. CKHRA...

Derek Beard

2 articles

Derek est le fondateur et le président de la Central Kentucky Hunting Retriever Association, Inc. Après avoir constaté un besoin d'amélioration de nos races de retrievers de chasse, il s'est donné pour mission d'éduquer la communauté des retrievers en Central Kentucky sur les problèmes de santé courants, le travail de qualité des retrievers et les pratiques d'entraînement communes pour améliorer les retrievers. CKHRA...

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

2 articles

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

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