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Ashley Hopkins

Lascassas, TN


Ashley started hunting in his early childhood years with his father and grandfather. At the age of 15 he began competing in the United Kennel Club (UKC) and Professional Kennel Club (PKC) hunting associations. Ashley has accomplished many titles in his hunting career. Included among those are four Final Four titles in the Super Stakes Championship since 2001: one 1st place win, two 2nd place wins, and one 3rd place win. In 2002, he won the title of Pup ShootOut Champion as well as Senior Handler ShootOut Champion with Tequila Sunrise, which won him two brand new Dodge 4x4 pickup trucks. Ashley is ranked 13th as all-time money handler with PKC, having totaled over $126,000 in all-time earnings in PKC events. Platinum Champion, Grand Nite Champion Tequila Sunrise and Gold Champion, Grand Nite Champion Harry Bawls are currently standing at stud with the Hopkins family.

Ashley is an avid hunter and trainer, but when he isn’t in the woods competing or training, he enjoys spending time with his family. Ashley and his wife live outside Murfreesboro, Tennessee in the Lascassas area. Their two daughters, 9-year-old Allie and 5-year-old Anslie, very much enjoy spending time in the woods with their dad.

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

SportDOG is number one at meeting all my hunting needs. Very reliable and rugged equipment.

Favorite Products

HoundHunter 3225 and the SBC-10R

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