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Ed Gover

Mount Juliet, TN


Owner of Real Deal Retrievers, a kennel which offers basic and advanced dog training, Ed has been training for over 10 years and has been a pro trainer for the last 5. Ed enjoys training hunting dogs as well as running UKC hunt tests. He is an avid outdoorsman from West Tennessee. Ed attended the University of Tennessee at Martin where he earned a degree in Wildlife Biology. He is now a Wildlife Officer in Middle Tennessee. He has three children who enjoy the retrievers, and one of his daughters has run started dogs at hunt tests.

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

When I started training, I purchased a SportDOG because it was affordable. I soon found out SportDOG products are tough and reliable. SportDOG will stand behind their product and are easy to reach when you have a question. I enjoy being able to make corrections on multiple dogs with one remote. SportDOG has also been a supporter of Tennessee's Wildlife Agency. Our agency has recently started a K-9 program and has used SportDOG equipment. These officers and their dogs have quickly gained respect from the sportsmen in Tennessee.

Favorite Products

WetlandHunter® 1825

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