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Mike Simmons

Lavinia, TN


Mike has been training dogs for several years and competed with his personal dogs in UKC and AKC hunt tests. In addition, he trains client dogs for both gun dog (duck hunting) and all levels of hunt tests, both UKC and AKC. He is also an HRC AA licensed judge in all categories, from Started to Finished. He is a member of DU, West Tennessee HRC, and Deer River HRC.

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

I have used competitive collars and SportDOG Brand is the collar of choice for me by far.

Favorite Products

I really like the ProHunter 2525


Other Senior Prostaff

Living in rural Maine alongside the Saco River, waterfowling became a passion that started Eric on a road of working retrievers. Surrounding towns offered ample training grounds on which he began to build his understanding of how to teach a retriever to be a champion.

	Being a bit more than an...Living in rural Maine alongside the Saco River, waterfowling became a passion that started Eric on a road of working retrievers. Surrounding towns offered ample training grounds on which he began to build his understanding of how to teach a retriever to be a champion.

	Being a bit more than an...

Eric Bartlett

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A dream was born one day in 2006 when Jon-Michael started watching a TV show that featured retrievers picking up bumpers from an incredible distance and taking hand signals to get to a desired location. From there, Jon-Michael decided he wanted to get a dog that could do just that!...A dream was born one day in 2006 when Jon-Michael started watching a TV show that featured retrievers picking up bumpers from an incredible distance and taking hand signals to get to a desired location. From there, Jon-Michael decided he wanted to get a dog that could do just that!...

Jon-Michael Rull

A dream was born one day in 2006 when Jon-Michael started watching a TV show that featured retrievers picking up bumpers from an incredible distance and taking hand signals to get to a desired location. From there, Jon-Michael decided he wanted to get a dog that could do just that!...

Jude De'Niese is the owner and head trainer at High Tide Retrievers, Jude has trained and competed with dogs in CKC AKC and UKC events, titling dogs for clients in Canada and the United States. Jude teaches people how to train and maintain dogs that not only work at a...Jude De'Niese is the owner and head trainer at High Tide Retrievers, Jude has trained and competed with dogs in CKC AKC and UKC events, titling dogs for clients in Canada and the United States. Jude teaches people how to train and maintain dogs that not only work at a...

Jude Deā€™Niese

Jude De'Niese is the owner and head trainer at High Tide Retrievers, Jude has trained and competed with dogs in CKC AKC and UKC events, titling dogs for clients in Canada and the United States. Jude teaches people how to train and maintain dogs that not only work at a...

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