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The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

Articles by The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

Finding Your Perfect Retriever PuppyFinding Your Perfect Retriever Puppy

Finding Your Perfect Retriever Puppy

In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staffer Chris Akin walks you through selecting a puppy. Akin discusses the pros and cons of owning, hunting and training females dogs versus males.

Why One Hunting Dog Isn't EnoughWhy One Hunting Dog Isn't Enough

Why One Hunting Dog Isn't Enough

Do you ever stop and look around your house, and think, "man, I have a lot of dogs?" It's OK. Upland hunters and waterfowlers are always acquiring more. We need more shotguns, more shells to pump through them, more floating decoys, more field decoys. Boats, motors, leases, land access …...

When Your Dog Should Enter the HuntWhen Your Dog Should Enter the Hunt

When Your Dog Should Enter the Hunt

Young dogs take a while to develop into the hunting or field trial champion you want. Your knowledge that the pup you chose is from proven hunting stock is just the beginning. I have been spoiled. During hunting and field trial seasons, I have always had older, veteran dogs to rely...

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