Aaron Robinson 1
New England, ND
Aaron has a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. His passion was so great he pursued a master’s degree in Wildlife Biology. He has an education in upland game ecology and management. He has presented numerous technical papers about upland birds. Aaron was a board member for the Utah Chukar and Wildlife Foundation for 3 years. He was the chapter president for the Utah Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society for 2 years. In addition, he has 10+ years in dog training. Aaron’s main focus is on German Shorthair Pointers, but he will work with other pointing dog breeds.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
I have used the products for 5 years and that’s why I want to be a staff member. I initially bought a collar for myself, the SD-1200 model and then I bought a SD-2400 unit and liked them both so much I have used the 1800, 1850, and 2500 model.
Favorite Products
SD-1850 Upland Hunter
Articles by Aaron Robinson 1
Early Season Grouse Hunting
The 2010 hunting season is just around the corner, and in many states the Sharp-tailed grouse and Partridge season are the first to kick off. This is where our summer dog training and conditioning finally materializes, or so we hope. Dogs at this time are usually accustomed to liberated birds...
5 Tips for TEK 2.0
When it comes to choosing an e-collar you must consider several key factors before deciding which unit is ideal for you. First, consider your canine hunting companion. Is your dog close working, or a “horizon chaser”? Second, what is your primary hunting specie? For example, are you a hunter who likes...
Habitat is Key
You’re likely aware of the famous phrase by Benjamin Franklin who stated, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Now to an upland bird enthusiast I would amend this to say, “Nothing is certain in the world of upland game, except changing weather”....
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Lynne Frady
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Tracy Hayes
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