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Upland Hunting Prostaff

You won't find a larger collection of dog-training talent than the SportDOG® ProStaff. Our team is made up of professionals from across the U.S. and Canada. Retrievers, pointing dogs, hounds ... regardless of the type or breed of sporting dog, you'll find decades of combined experience among our specialists. While this team represents many different training philosophies, there's one constant they rely on: the quality and reliability of SportDOG products.

Chris has spent 30 years, since the age of 7, in the field, hunting whitetail deer, Eastern wild turkey, dove, duck, quail, pheasant, chukar, woodcock, and ruffed grouse. His passion is split between upland bird and waterfowl hunting. He has hunted upland game birds in South Dakota, up and down...Chris has spent 30 years, since the age of 7, in the field, hunting whitetail deer, Eastern wild turkey, dove, duck, quail, pheasant, chukar, woodcock, and ruffed grouse. His passion is split between upland bird and waterfowl hunting. He has hunted upland game birds in South Dakota, up and down...

Christopher Dunlap

Chris has spent 30 years, since the age of 7, in the field, hunting whitetail deer, Eastern wild turkey, dove, duck, quail, pheasant, chukar, woodcock, and ruffed grouse. His passion is split between upland bird and waterfowl hunting. He has hunted upland game birds in South Dakota, up and down...

Tony has been involved with hunting dogs for the past 28 years. He first became involved with hounds and retrievers, and in more recent years his involvement has been with the versatile hunting breeds, specifically the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. On average, he bird hunts in the area between 30 and...Tony has been involved with hunting dogs for the past 28 years. He first became involved with hounds and retrievers, and in more recent years his involvement has been with the versatile hunting breeds, specifically the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. On average, he bird hunts in the area between 30 and...

Tony Nickerson

Tony has been involved with hunting dogs for the past 28 years. He first became involved with hounds and retrievers, and in more recent years his involvement has been with the versatile hunting breeds, specifically the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. On average, he bird hunts in the area between 30 and...

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

With ten years of training experience specializing in German Shorthairs and yellow Labs, Craig currently works as a guide and lives on a 750-acre game preserve that raises over 40,000 pheasants, chukars and Huns annually. Wern Valley Sportsman Club allows him to constantly train dogs in a bird-rich environment, resulting...With ten years of training experience specializing in German Shorthairs and yellow Labs, Craig currently works as a guide and lives on a 750-acre game preserve that raises over 40,000 pheasants, chukars and Huns annually. Wern Valley Sportsman Club allows him to constantly train dogs in a bird-rich environment, resulting...

Craig Leair

With ten years of training experience specializing in German Shorthairs and yellow Labs, Craig currently works as a guide and lives on a 750-acre game preserve that raises over 40,000 pheasants, chukars and Huns annually. Wern Valley Sportsman Club allows him to constantly train dogs in a bird-rich environment, resulting...

Vern is an accomplished outdoorsman living in Alaska since the age of 18. He has an eclectic background; he has been an Alaskan guide for small game, big game, and upland bird hunting. He has also made a living of training his own dog (a French Brittany) for his guide...Vern is an accomplished outdoorsman living in Alaska since the age of 18. He has an eclectic background; he has been an Alaskan guide for small game, big game, and upland bird hunting. He has also made a living of training his own dog (a French Brittany) for his guide...

Vern Nowell

Vern is an accomplished outdoorsman living in Alaska since the age of 18. He has an eclectic background; he has been an Alaskan guide for small game, big game, and upland bird hunting. He has also made a living of training his own dog (a French Brittany) for his guide...

Ed has a long history of breeding, training, and competing with his bird dogs. He has been an avid outdoorsman all his life. His focus is on training bird dogs and breeding Brittanys.Ed has a long history of breeding, training, and competing with his bird dogs. He has been an avid outdoorsman all his life. His focus is on training bird dogs and breeding Brittanys.

Ed Bullard

Ed has a long history of breeding, training, and competing with his bird dogs. He has been an avid outdoorsman all his life. His focus is on training bird dogs and breeding Brittanys.

Gary has been hunting upland game for 15 years. Training Labs and German shorthairs for upland hunting is his specialty. Whether hunting pheasant or quail in Indiana, it is a great feeling to see a dog that he has trained point a bird and then retrieve it.Gary has been hunting upland game for 15 years. Training Labs and German shorthairs for upland hunting is his specialty. Whether hunting pheasant or quail in Indiana, it is a great feeling to see a dog that he has trained point a bird and then retrieve it.

Gary Sheffer draft

Gary has been hunting upland game for 15 years. Training Labs and German shorthairs for upland hunting is his specialty. Whether hunting pheasant or quail in Indiana, it is a great feeling to see a dog that he has trained point a bird and then retrieve it.

Mike Tracy wurde in die Welt der Field Trials hineingeboren. Schon im frühen Alter von 7 Jahren, kaum größer und sicherlich nicht so kräftig wie der männliche English Pointer namens Andy, den er führte, belegte er den zweiten Platz in einem lokalen Amateur Derby. Mit 10 Jahren gewann Mike die Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy wurde in die Welt der Field Trials hineingeboren. Schon im frühen Alter von 7 Jahren, kaum größer und sicherlich nicht so kräftig wie der männliche English Pointer namens Andy, den er führte, belegte er den zweiten Platz in einem lokalen Amateur Derby. Mit 10 Jahren gewann Mike die Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy

Mike Tracy wurde in die Welt der Field Trials hineingeboren. Schon im frühen Alter von 7 Jahren, kaum größer und sicherlich nicht so kräftig wie der männliche English Pointer namens Andy, den er führte, belegte er den zweiten Platz in einem lokalen Amateur Derby. Mit 10 Jahren gewann Mike die Pennsylvania...

Ben Garcia ritiene che ci sia un segreto nell'addestramento dei cani: "Sapere dove si vuole arrivare e dove si vuole che il proprio cane finisca." Ben dice che questo obiettivo è la chiave per sviluppare al meglio il proprio amico a quattro zampe sul campo. Con questo in mente, Ben tratta ogni cane come un individuo,...Ben Garcia ritiene che ci sia un segreto nell'addestramento dei cani: "Sapere dove si vuole arrivare e dove si vuole che il proprio cane finisca." Ben dice che questo obiettivo è la chiave per sviluppare al meglio il proprio amico a quattro zampe sul campo. Con questo in mente, Ben tratta ogni cane come un individuo,...

Ben Garcia

Ben Garcia ritiene che ci sia un segreto nell'addestramento dei cani: "Sapere dove si vuole arrivare e dove si vuole che il proprio cane finisca." Ben dice che questo obiettivo è la chiave per sviluppare al meglio il proprio amico a quattro zampe sul campo. Con questo in mente, Ben tratta ogni cane come un individuo,...

Brice Morris es un apasionado cazador de aves de campo y entrenador de perros de caza conocido por sus altas puntuaciones en pruebas de campo a pie gracias a un programa de entrenamiento bien planificado y positivo. Brice ofrece servicios de entrenamiento y guía para un alojamiento de caza de primera categoría en el alto Medio Oeste y es mentor de jóvenes así como...Brice Morris es un apasionado cazador de aves de campo y entrenador de perros de caza conocido por sus altas puntuaciones en pruebas de campo a pie gracias a un programa de entrenamiento bien planificado y positivo. Brice ofrece servicios de entrenamiento y guía para un alojamiento de caza de primera categoría en el alto Medio Oeste y es mentor de jóvenes así como...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris es un apasionado cazador de aves de campo y entrenador de perros de caza conocido por sus altas puntuaciones en pruebas de campo a pie gracias a un programa de entrenamiento bien planificado y positivo. Brice ofrece servicios de entrenamiento y guía para un alojamiento de caza de primera categoría en el alto Medio Oeste y es mentor de jóvenes así como...

Brice Morris ist ein begeisterter Jäger von Federwild und Trainer von Jagdhunden, bekannt für hohe Punktzahlen in Geh-Feldwettbewerben aufgrund eines gut geplanten und positiven Trainingsprogramms. Brice bietet Trainings- und Führungsleistungen für ein erstklassiges Jagdhaus im oberen Mittleren Westen an und betreut Jugendliche sowie...Brice Morris ist ein begeisterter Jäger von Federwild und Trainer von Jagdhunden, bekannt für hohe Punktzahlen in Geh-Feldwettbewerben aufgrund eines gut geplanten und positiven Trainingsprogramms. Brice bietet Trainings- und Führungsleistungen für ein erstklassiges Jagdhaus im oberen Mittleren Westen an und betreut Jugendliche sowie...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris ist ein begeisterter Jäger von Federwild und Trainer von Jagdhunden, bekannt für hohe Punktzahlen in Geh-Feldwettbewerben aufgrund eines gut geplanten und positiven Trainingsprogramms. Brice bietet Trainings- und Führungsleistungen für ein erstklassiges Jagdhaus im oberen Mittleren Westen an und betreut Jugendliche sowie...

Joe est le propriétaire et l'entraîneur de Rooster Run Kennels, spécialisé dans le développement de chiens pour tous les aspects de la chasse. Rooster Run Kennels propose des formations pour les chiens d'arrêt et les rapporteurs et personnalise l'entraînement pour chaque type et niveau de chasseur. Rooster Run Kennels est le foyer du premier chien rapporteur à remporter la 1ère place...Joe est le propriétaire et l'entraîneur de Rooster Run Kennels, spécialisé dans le développement de chiens pour tous les aspects de la chasse. Rooster Run Kennels propose des formations pour les chiens d'arrêt et les rapporteurs et personnalise l'entraînement pour chaque type et niveau de chasseur. Rooster Run Kennels est le foyer du premier chien rapporteur à remporter la 1ère place...

Joe Pausha

Joe est le propriétaire et l'entraîneur de Rooster Run Kennels, spécialisé dans le développement de chiens pour tous les aspects de la chasse. Rooster Run Kennels propose des formations pour les chiens d'arrêt et les rapporteurs et personnalise l'entraînement pour chaque type et niveau de chasseur. Rooster Run Kennels est le foyer du premier chien rapporteur à remporter la 1ère place...

Ben Busby has hunted since he was old enough to walk. He was fortunate enough to have a mother and father who introduced him to hunting at a very early age. He harvested his first whitetail deer with a 12 gauge out of a lawn chair at age 10. From...Ben Busby has hunted since he was old enough to walk. He was fortunate enough to have a mother and father who introduced him to hunting at a very early age. He harvested his first whitetail deer with a 12 gauge out of a lawn chair at age 10. From...

Ben Busby

Ben Busby has hunted since he was old enough to walk. He was fortunate enough to have a mother and father who introduced him to hunting at a very early age. He harvested his first whitetail deer with a 12 gauge out of a lawn chair at age 10. From...

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

A Draft person

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

A Draft person

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as strong as the English Pointer bloke named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as strong as the English Pointer bloke named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

A Draftsperson (EN-AU)1

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as strong as the English Pointer bloke named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy wurde in die Welt der Field Trials hineingeboren. Bereits im Alter von 7 Jahren, kaum größer und sicherlich nicht so kräftig wie der von ihm geführte englische Pointer-Rüde namens Andy, belegte er den zweiten Platz in einem lokalen Amateur-Derby. Mit 10 Jahren gewann Mike die Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy wurde in die Welt der Field Trials hineingeboren. Bereits im Alter von 7 Jahren, kaum größer und sicherlich nicht so kräftig wie der von ihm geführte englische Pointer-Rüde namens Andy, belegte er den zweiten Platz in einem lokalen Amateur-Derby. Mit 10 Jahren gewann Mike die Pennsylvania...

Ein Zeichner

Mike Tracy wurde in die Welt der Field Trials hineingeboren. Bereits im Alter von 7 Jahren, kaum größer und sicherlich nicht so kräftig wie der von ihm geführte englische Pointer-Rüde namens Andy, belegte er den zweiten Platz in einem lokalen Amateur-Derby. Mit 10 Jahren gewann Mike die Pennsylvania...

Aaron ha una lunga esperienza nell'addestramento di cani e nella caccia agli uccelli di campagna. La sua passione era così grande che ha conseguito una laurea magistrale in Biologia della Fauna Selvatica. Ha una formazione in ecologia e gestione della selvaggina da campagna. Ha presentato numerosi articoli tecnici sugli uccelli di campagna. Aaron era un membro del consiglio di amministrazione per...Aaron ha una lunga esperienza nell'addestramento di cani e nella caccia agli uccelli di campagna. La sua passione era così grande che ha conseguito una laurea magistrale in Biologia della Fauna Selvatica. Ha una formazione in ecologia e gestione della selvaggina da campagna. Ha presentato numerosi articoli tecnici sugli uccelli di campagna. Aaron era un membro del consiglio di amministrazione per...

Aaron Robinson

Aaron ha una lunga esperienza nell'addestramento di cani e nella caccia agli uccelli di campagna. La sua passione era così grande che ha conseguito una laurea magistrale in Biologia della Fauna Selvatica. Ha una formazione in ecologia e gestione della selvaggina da campagna. Ha presentato numerosi articoli tecnici sugli uccelli di campagna. Aaron era un membro del consiglio di amministrazione per...

Aaron hat eine lange Geschichte im Hundetraining und in der Jagd auf Feldvögel. Seine Leidenschaft war so groß, dass er einen Masterabschluss in Wildbiologie erworben hat. Er hat eine Ausbildung in der Ökologie und dem Management von Feldwild. Er hat zahlreiche Fachartikel über Feldvögel präsentiert. Aaron war Vorstandsmitglied für...Aaron hat eine lange Geschichte im Hundetraining und in der Jagd auf Feldvögel. Seine Leidenschaft war so groß, dass er einen Masterabschluss in Wildbiologie erworben hat. Er hat eine Ausbildung in der Ökologie und dem Management von Feldwild. Er hat zahlreiche Fachartikel über Feldvögel präsentiert. Aaron war Vorstandsmitglied für...

Aaron Robinson

Aaron hat eine lange Geschichte im Hundetraining und in der Jagd auf Feldvögel. Seine Leidenschaft war so groß, dass er einen Masterabschluss in Wildbiologie erworben hat. Er hat eine Ausbildung in der Ökologie und dem Management von Feldwild. Er hat zahlreiche Fachartikel über Feldvögel präsentiert. Aaron war Vorstandsmitglied für...

Aaron a une longue expérience en dressage de chiens et en chasse d'oiseaux de plaine. Sa passion était si grande qu'il a poursuivi un master en biologie de la faune sauvage. Il possède une formation en écologie et gestion du gibier de plaine. Il a présenté de nombreux articles techniques sur les oiseaux de plaine. Aaron était membre du conseil d'administration pour...Aaron a une longue expérience en dressage de chiens et en chasse d'oiseaux de plaine. Sa passion était si grande qu'il a poursuivi un master en biologie de la faune sauvage. Il possède une formation en écologie et gestion du gibier de plaine. Il a présenté de nombreux articles techniques sur les oiseaux de plaine. Aaron était membre du conseil d'administration pour...

Aaron Robinson

Aaron a une longue expérience en dressage de chiens et en chasse d'oiseaux de plaine. Sa passion était si grande qu'il a poursuivi un master en biologie de la faune sauvage. Il possède une formation en écologie et gestion du gibier de plaine. Il a présenté de nombreux articles techniques sur les oiseaux de plaine. Aaron était membre du conseil d'administration pour...

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Ben Garcia believes there is one secret to dog training: "Know where you want to go and where you want your dog to finish." Ben says that goal is the key to develop your best friend in the field.  With this in mind, Ben treats every dog as an individual,...Ben Garcia believes there is one secret to dog training: "Know where you want to go and where you want your dog to finish." Ben says that goal is the key to develop your best friend in the field.  With this in mind, Ben treats every dog as an individual,...

Ben Garcia

Ben Garcia believes there is one secret to dog training: "Know where you want to go and where you want your dog to finish." Ben says that goal is the key to develop your best friend in the field.  With this in mind, Ben treats every dog as an individual,...

I grew up with a few bird dogs. 2 nice little Brittney Spaniels and a few very athletic German Shorthaired Pointers. After I got out of the Navy I wanted to start hunting the uplands again, but birds were scarce and my readiness for a dog was not in the...I grew up with a few bird dogs. 2 nice little Brittney Spaniels and a few very athletic German Shorthaired Pointers. After I got out of the Navy I wanted to start hunting the uplands again, but birds were scarce and my readiness for a dog was not in the...

Patrick Flanagan

I grew up with a few bird dogs. 2 nice little Brittney Spaniels and a few very athletic German Shorthaired Pointers. After I got out of the Navy I wanted to start hunting the uplands again, but birds were scarce and my readiness for a dog was not in the...

I’ve hunted upland game birds from North Dakota to Northern Maine, spending most of my time in my home state of Michigan. My love for pheasants dates back to my days as a youngster, first chasing them with our Labradors, German Shorthaired Pointers, or the occasional contact while running beagles...I’ve hunted upland game birds from North Dakota to Northern Maine, spending most of my time in my home state of Michigan. My love for pheasants dates back to my days as a youngster, first chasing them with our Labradors, German Shorthaired Pointers, or the occasional contact while running beagles...

Matt Mates

I’ve hunted upland game birds from North Dakota to Northern Maine, spending most of my time in my home state of Michigan. My love for pheasants dates back to my days as a youngster, first chasing them with our Labradors, German Shorthaired Pointers, or the occasional contact while running beagles...

Mike Tracy è nato nel mondo delle gare di addestramento canino. Iniziando già all'età di 7 anni, quando era appena più alto e certamente non così forte come il maschio di Pointer Inglese di nome Andy che gestiva, ha conquistato il secondo posto in una competizione locale per principianti. All'età di 10 anni, Mike ha vinto in Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy è nato nel mondo delle gare di addestramento canino. Iniziando già all'età di 7 anni, quando era appena più alto e certamente non così forte come il maschio di Pointer Inglese di nome Andy che gestiva, ha conquistato il secondo posto in una competizione locale per principianti. All'età di 10 anni, Mike ha vinto in Pennsylvania...

Un disegnatore

Mike Tracy è nato nel mondo delle gare di addestramento canino. Iniziando già all'età di 7 anni, quando era appena più alto e certamente non così forte come il maschio di Pointer Inglese di nome Andy che gestiva, ha conquistato il secondo posto in una competizione locale per principianti. All'età di 10 anni, Mike ha vinto in Pennsylvania...

Brice Morris is an avid upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for high scores in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training program. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors youth as well as...Brice Morris is an avid upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for high scores in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training program. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors youth as well as...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris is an avid upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for high scores in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training program. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors youth as well as...

Ed started Gold Creek Farms in 1985 and it has become one of the premier pheasant hunting farms in Ontario, Canada. Farmer Gold Creek Farms offers a wide variety of hunting and dog training. Ed has over 20 years of bird dog training to offer to his clients. Gold Creek...Ed started Gold Creek Farms in 1985 and it has become one of the premier pheasant hunting farms in Ontario, Canada. Farmer Gold Creek Farms offers a wide variety of hunting and dog training. Ed has over 20 years of bird dog training to offer to his clients. Gold Creek...

Ed Bolton

Ed started Gold Creek Farms in 1985 and it has become one of the premier pheasant hunting farms in Ontario, Canada. Farmer Gold Creek Farms offers a wide variety of hunting and dog training. Ed has over 20 years of bird dog training to offer to his clients. Gold Creek...

The first time my childhood eyes saw a bird dog on point, I was hooked. A dog frozen in time, nostrils flaring, mouth tasting the scent of the bird that he lives for, and yet resisting by instinct the urge to pounce and flush was the most fascinating and beautiful...The first time my childhood eyes saw a bird dog on point, I was hooked. A dog frozen in time, nostrils flaring, mouth tasting the scent of the bird that he lives for, and yet resisting by instinct the urge to pounce and flush was the most fascinating and beautiful...

Bret Wonnacott

The first time my childhood eyes saw a bird dog on point, I was hooked. A dog frozen in time, nostrils flaring, mouth tasting the scent of the bird that he lives for, and yet resisting by instinct the urge to pounce and flush was the most fascinating and beautiful...

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Brice Morris is an enthusiastic upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for high scores in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training programme. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors youth as well as...Brice Morris is an enthusiastic upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for high scores in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training programme. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors youth as well as...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris is an enthusiastic upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for high scores in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training programme. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors youth as well as...

Ben Garcia croit qu'il y a un secret dans le dressage des chiens : « Savoir où vous voulez aller et où vous voulez que votre chien termine. » Ben dit que cet objectif est la clé pour développer votre meilleur ami sur le terrain. Avec cela en tête, Ben traite chaque chien comme un individu,...Ben Garcia croit qu'il y a un secret dans le dressage des chiens : « Savoir où vous voulez aller et où vous voulez que votre chien termine. » Ben dit que cet objectif est la clé pour développer votre meilleur ami sur le terrain. Avec cela en tête, Ben traite chaque chien comme un individu,...

Ben Garcia

Ben Garcia croit qu'il y a un secret dans le dressage des chiens : « Savoir où vous voulez aller et où vous voulez que votre chien termine. » Ben dit que cet objectif est la clé pour développer votre meilleur ami sur le terrain. Avec cela en tête, Ben traite chaque chien comme un individu,...

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy è nato nel mondo delle gare di addestramento canino. Iniziando già all'età di 7 anni, quando era appena più alto e certamente non così forte del Pointer Inglese maschio di nome Andy che gestiva, ha conquistato il secondo posto in una competizione locale per principianti. All'età di 10 anni, Mike ha vinto il Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy è nato nel mondo delle gare di addestramento canino. Iniziando già all'età di 7 anni, quando era appena più alto e certamente non così forte del Pointer Inglese maschio di nome Andy che gestiva, ha conquistato il secondo posto in una competizione locale per principianti. All'età di 10 anni, Mike ha vinto il Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy

Mike Tracy è nato nel mondo delle gare di addestramento canino. Iniziando già all'età di 7 anni, quando era appena più alto e certamente non così forte del Pointer Inglese maschio di nome Andy che gestiva, ha conquistato il secondo posto in una competizione locale per principianti. All'età di 10 anni, Mike ha vinto il Pennsylvania...

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Ben Garcia pense qu'il y a un secret dans le dressage des chiens : "Savoir où vous voulez aller et où vous voulez que votre chien termine." Ben dit que cet objectif est la clé pour développer votre meilleur ami sur le terrain. Avec cela en tête, Ben traite chaque chien comme un individu,...Ben Garcia pense qu'il y a un secret dans le dressage des chiens : "Savoir où vous voulez aller et où vous voulez que votre chien termine." Ben dit que cet objectif est la clé pour développer votre meilleur ami sur le terrain. Avec cela en tête, Ben traite chaque chien comme un individu,...

Ben Garcia

Ben Garcia pense qu'il y a un secret dans le dressage des chiens : "Savoir où vous voulez aller et où vous voulez que votre chien termine." Ben dit que cet objectif est la clé pour développer votre meilleur ami sur le terrain. Avec cela en tête, Ben traite chaque chien comme un individu,...

Brice Morris is a keen upland game bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs, renowned for achieving high scores in walking field trials thanks to a well-structured and positive training regime. Brice offers training and guiding services for a leading hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors young people as well as...Brice Morris is a keen upland game bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs, renowned for achieving high scores in walking field trials thanks to a well-structured and positive training regime. Brice offers training and guiding services for a leading hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors young people as well as...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris is a keen upland game bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs, renowned for achieving high scores in walking field trials thanks to a well-structured and positive training regime. Brice offers training and guiding services for a leading hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors young people as well as...

Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...

Matt Mates

Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...

Brice Morris ist ein begeisterter Jäger von Federwild und Trainer von Jagdhunden, bekannt für hohe Punktzahlen in Geh-Feldwettbewerben aufgrund eines gut geplanten und positiven Trainingsprogramms. Brice bietet Trainings- und Führungsleistungen für ein erstklassiges Jagdhaus im oberen Mittleren Westen an und betreut Jugendliche sowie...Brice Morris ist ein begeisterter Jäger von Federwild und Trainer von Jagdhunden, bekannt für hohe Punktzahlen in Geh-Feldwettbewerben aufgrund eines gut geplanten und positiven Trainingsprogramms. Brice bietet Trainings- und Führungsleistungen für ein erstklassiges Jagdhaus im oberen Mittleren Westen an und betreut Jugendliche sowie...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris ist ein begeisterter Jäger von Federwild und Trainer von Jagdhunden, bekannt für hohe Punktzahlen in Geh-Feldwettbewerben aufgrund eines gut geplanten und positiven Trainingsprogramms. Brice bietet Trainings- und Führungsleistungen für ein erstklassiges Jagdhaus im oberen Mittleren Westen an und betreut Jugendliche sowie...

Brice Morris is a keen upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for top marks in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training programme. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors young ones as well as...Brice Morris is a keen upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for top marks in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training programme. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors young ones as well as...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris is a keen upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for top marks in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training programme. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors young ones as well as...

Ed tiene una larga historia de cría, entrenamiento y competición con sus perros de caza. Ha sido un entusiasta de las actividades al aire libre toda su vida. Se centra en el entrenamiento de perros de caza y la cría de Brittanys.Ed tiene una larga historia de cría, entrenamiento y competición con sus perros de caza. Ha sido un entusiasta de las actividades al aire libre toda su vida. Se centra en el entrenamiento de perros de caza y la cría de Brittanys.

Ed Bullard

Ed tiene una larga historia de cría, entrenamiento y competición con sus perros de caza. Ha sido un entusiasta de las actividades al aire libre toda su vida. Se centra en el entrenamiento de perros de caza y la cría de Brittanys.

Ben Garcia glaubt, dass es ein Geheimnis beim Hundetraining gibt: „Wissen, wo man hin möchte und wo der Hund am Ende sein soll.“ Ben sagt, dass dieses Ziel der Schlüssel ist, um den besten Freund im Feld zu entwickeln. Mit dieser Einstellung behandelt Ben jeden Hund als Individuum,...Ben Garcia glaubt, dass es ein Geheimnis beim Hundetraining gibt: „Wissen, wo man hin möchte und wo der Hund am Ende sein soll.“ Ben sagt, dass dieses Ziel der Schlüssel ist, um den besten Freund im Feld zu entwickeln. Mit dieser Einstellung behandelt Ben jeden Hund als Individuum,...

Ben Garcia

Ben Garcia glaubt, dass es ein Geheimnis beim Hundetraining gibt: „Wissen, wo man hin möchte und wo der Hund am Ende sein soll.“ Ben sagt, dass dieses Ziel der Schlüssel ist, um den besten Freund im Feld zu entwickeln. Mit dieser Einstellung behandelt Ben jeden Hund als Individuum,...

Brice Morris is a keen upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for top scores in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training programme. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors youth as well as...Brice Morris is a keen upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for top scores in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training programme. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors youth as well as...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris is a keen upland bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs known for top scores in walking field trials due to a well-planned and positive training programme. Brice provides training and guiding services for a premier hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors youth as well as...

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Brice Morris est un passionné de chasse aux oiseaux de plaine et un dresseur de chiens de chasse reconnu pour ses hauts scores dans les compétitions de field trials à pied grâce à un programme d'entraînement bien conçu et positif. Brice fournit des services de formation et d'accompagnement pour un pavillon de chasse de premier plan dans le haut Midwest et encadre les jeunes ainsi que...Brice Morris est un passionné de chasse aux oiseaux de plaine et un dresseur de chiens de chasse reconnu pour ses hauts scores dans les compétitions de field trials à pied grâce à un programme d'entraînement bien conçu et positif. Brice fournit des services de formation et d'accompagnement pour un pavillon de chasse de premier plan dans le haut Midwest et encadre les jeunes ainsi que...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris est un passionné de chasse aux oiseaux de plaine et un dresseur de chiens de chasse reconnu pour ses hauts scores dans les compétitions de field trials à pied grâce à un programme d'entraînement bien conçu et positif. Brice fournit des services de formation et d'accompagnement pour un pavillon de chasse de premier plan dans le haut Midwest et encadre les jeunes ainsi que...

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

A Draft person 3

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Ed gründete Gold Creek Farms im Jahr 1985 und es hat sich zu einem der führenden Fasanenjagdhöfe in Ontario, Kanada, entwickelt. Farmer Gold Creek Farms bietet eine große Auswahl an Jagd- und Hundetrainingsmöglichkeiten. Ed verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Training von Jagdhunden, die er seinen Kunden anbieten kann. Gold Creek...Ed gründete Gold Creek Farms im Jahr 1985 und es hat sich zu einem der führenden Fasanenjagdhöfe in Ontario, Kanada, entwickelt. Farmer Gold Creek Farms bietet eine große Auswahl an Jagd- und Hundetrainingsmöglichkeiten. Ed verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Training von Jagdhunden, die er seinen Kunden anbieten kann. Gold Creek...

Ed Bolton

Ed gründete Gold Creek Farms im Jahr 1985 und es hat sich zu einem der führenden Fasanenjagdhöfe in Ontario, Kanada, entwickelt. Farmer Gold Creek Farms bietet eine große Auswahl an Jagd- und Hundetrainingsmöglichkeiten. Ed verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Training von Jagdhunden, die er seinen Kunden anbieten kann. Gold Creek...

Ben Garcia cree que hay un secreto en el entrenamiento de perros: "Saber dónde quieres llegar y dónde quieres que termine tu perro." Ben dice que ese objetivo es la clave para desarrollar a tu mejor amigo en el campo. Con esto en mente, Ben trata a cada perro como un individuo,...Ben Garcia cree que hay un secreto en el entrenamiento de perros: "Saber dónde quieres llegar y dónde quieres que termine tu perro." Ben dice que ese objetivo es la clave para desarrollar a tu mejor amigo en el campo. Con esto en mente, Ben trata a cada perro como un individuo,...

Ben Garcia

Ben Garcia cree que hay un secreto en el entrenamiento de perros: "Saber dónde quieres llegar y dónde quieres que termine tu perro." Ben dice que ese objetivo es la clave para desarrollar a tu mejor amigo en el campo. Con esto en mente, Ben trata a cada perro como un individuo,...

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

A Draft person 2

Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania...

Mike Tracy est né dans le monde des Field Trials. Commencé dès l'âge de 7 ans, à peine aussi grand et certainement pas aussi puissant que le mâle Pointer Anglais nommé Andy qu'il dirigeait, il a pris la deuxième place dans une compétition locale Amateur Derby. À l'âge de 10 ans, Mike a remporté le Pennsylvania...Mike Tracy est né dans le monde des Field Trials. Commencé dès l'âge de 7 ans, à peine aussi grand et certainement pas aussi puissant que le mâle Pointer Anglais nommé Andy qu'il dirigeait, il a pris la deuxième place dans une compétition locale Amateur Derby. À l'âge de 10 ans, Mike a remporté le Pennsylvania...

Un dessinateur 4

Mike Tracy est né dans le monde des Field Trials. Commencé dès l'âge de 7 ans, à peine aussi grand et certainement pas aussi puissant que le mâle Pointer Anglais nommé Andy qu'il dirigeait, il a pris la deuxième place dans une compétition locale Amateur Derby. À l'âge de 10 ans, Mike a remporté le Pennsylvania...

La première fois que mes yeux d'enfant ont vu un chien d'arrêt en action, j'ai été captivé. Un chien figé dans le temps, les narines dilatées, la gueule savourant l'odeur de l'oiseau pour lequel il vit, et pourtant résistant par instinct à l'envie de bondir et de faire envoler sa proie était le spectacle le plus fascinant et magnifique...La première fois que mes yeux d'enfant ont vu un chien d'arrêt en action, j'ai été captivé. Un chien figé dans le temps, les narines dilatées, la gueule savourant l'odeur de l'oiseau pour lequel il vit, et pourtant résistant par instinct à l'envie de bondir et de faire envoler sa proie était le spectacle le plus fascinant et magnifique...

Bret Wonnacott

La première fois que mes yeux d'enfant ont vu un chien d'arrêt en action, j'ai été captivé. Un chien figé dans le temps, les narines dilatées, la gueule savourant l'odeur de l'oiseau pour lequel il vit, et pourtant résistant par instinct à l'envie de bondir et de faire envoler sa proie était le spectacle le plus fascinant et magnifique...

Ed ha fondato Gold Creek Farms nel 1985 ed è diventato uno dei migliori allevamenti per la caccia al fagiano in Ontario, Canada. Farmer Gold Creek Farms offre una vasta gamma di attività di caccia e addestramento cani. Ed ha oltre 20 anni di esperienza nell'addestramento di cani da caccia da offrire ai suoi clienti. Gold Creek...Ed ha fondato Gold Creek Farms nel 1985 ed è diventato uno dei migliori allevamenti per la caccia al fagiano in Ontario, Canada. Farmer Gold Creek Farms offre una vasta gamma di attività di caccia e addestramento cani. Ed ha oltre 20 anni di esperienza nell'addestramento di cani da caccia da offrire ai suoi clienti. Gold Creek...

Ed Bolton

Ed ha fondato Gold Creek Farms nel 1985 ed è diventato uno dei migliori allevamenti per la caccia al fagiano in Ontario, Canada. Farmer Gold Creek Farms offre una vasta gamma di attività di caccia e addestramento cani. Ed ha oltre 20 anni di esperienza nell'addestramento di cani da caccia da offrire ai suoi clienti. Gold Creek...

Brice Morris est un passionné de chasse aux oiseaux de plaine et un dresseur de chiens de chasse reconnu pour ses hauts scores dans les compétitions de field trials à pied grâce à un programme d'entraînement bien conçu et positif. Brice propose des services de dressage et de guidage pour un pavillon de chasse de premier plan dans le haut Midwest et encadre les jeunes ainsi que...Brice Morris est un passionné de chasse aux oiseaux de plaine et un dresseur de chiens de chasse reconnu pour ses hauts scores dans les compétitions de field trials à pied grâce à un programme d'entraînement bien conçu et positif. Brice propose des services de dressage et de guidage pour un pavillon de chasse de premier plan dans le haut Midwest et encadre les jeunes ainsi que...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris est un passionné de chasse aux oiseaux de plaine et un dresseur de chiens de chasse reconnu pour ses hauts scores dans les compétitions de field trials à pied grâce à un programme d'entraînement bien conçu et positif. Brice propose des services de dressage et de guidage pour un pavillon de chasse de premier plan dans le haut Midwest et encadre les jeunes ainsi que...

Ben Busby has hunted since he was old enough to walk. He was fortunate enough to have a mother and father who introduced him to hunting at a very early age. He harvested his first whitetail deer with a 12 gauge out of a lawn chair at age 10. From...Ben Busby has hunted since he was old enough to walk. He was fortunate enough to have a mother and father who introduced him to hunting at a very early age. He harvested his first whitetail deer with a 12 gauge out of a lawn chair at age 10. From...

Ben Busby

Ben Busby has hunted since he was old enough to walk. He was fortunate enough to have a mother and father who introduced him to hunting at a very early age. He harvested his first whitetail deer with a 12 gauge out of a lawn chair at age 10. From...

Brice Morris è un appassionato cacciatore di uccelli di campagna e addestratore di cani da caccia noto per gli alti punteggi nei field trial a piedi grazie a un programma di addestramento ben pianificato e positivo. Brice fornisce servizi di addestramento e guida per un prestigioso rifugio di caccia nel Midwest superiore e fa da mentore ai giovani così come...Brice Morris è un appassionato cacciatore di uccelli di campagna e addestratore di cani da caccia noto per gli alti punteggi nei field trial a piedi grazie a un programma di addestramento ben pianificato e positivo. Brice fornisce servizi di addestramento e guida per un prestigioso rifugio di caccia nel Midwest superiore e fa da mentore ai giovani così come...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris è un appassionato cacciatore di uccelli di campagna e addestratore di cani da caccia noto per gli alti punteggi nei field trial a piedi grazie a un programma di addestramento ben pianificato e positivo. Brice fornisce servizi di addestramento e guida per un prestigioso rifugio di caccia nel Midwest superiore e fa da mentore ai giovani così come...

Brice Morris est un passionné de chasse aux oiseaux de plaine et un dresseur de chiens de chasse reconnu pour ses hauts scores dans les compétitions de field trials à pied grâce à un programme d'entraînement bien conçu et positif. Brice propose des services de dressage et d'accompagnement pour un pavillon de chasse de premier plan dans le haut Midwest et encadre les jeunes ainsi que...Brice Morris est un passionné de chasse aux oiseaux de plaine et un dresseur de chiens de chasse reconnu pour ses hauts scores dans les compétitions de field trials à pied grâce à un programme d'entraînement bien conçu et positif. Brice propose des services de dressage et d'accompagnement pour un pavillon de chasse de premier plan dans le haut Midwest et encadre les jeunes ainsi que...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris est un passionné de chasse aux oiseaux de plaine et un dresseur de chiens de chasse reconnu pour ses hauts scores dans les compétitions de field trials à pied grâce à un programme d'entraînement bien conçu et positif. Brice propose des services de dressage et d'accompagnement pour un pavillon de chasse de premier plan dans le haut Midwest et encadre les jeunes ainsi que...

Aaron has a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. His passion was so great he pursued a master’s degree in Wildlife Biology. He has an education in upland game ecology and management. He has presented numerous technical papers about upland birds. Aaron was a board member for...Aaron has a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. His passion was so great he pursued a master’s degree in Wildlife Biology. He has an education in upland game ecology and management. He has presented numerous technical papers about upland birds. Aaron was a board member for...

Aaron Robinson

Aaron has a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. His passion was so great he pursued a master’s degree in Wildlife Biology. He has an education in upland game ecology and management. He has presented numerous technical papers about upland birds. Aaron was a board member for...

Aaron's got a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. He was so passionate he went after a master's in Wildlife Biology. He's educated in upland game ecology and management. He's presented heaps of technical papers on upland birds. Aaron was on the board for...Aaron's got a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. He was so passionate he went after a master's in Wildlife Biology. He's educated in upland game ecology and management. He's presented heaps of technical papers on upland birds. Aaron was on the board for...

Aaron Robinson

Aaron's got a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. He was so passionate he went after a master's in Wildlife Biology. He's educated in upland game ecology and management. He's presented heaps of technical papers on upland birds. Aaron was on the board for...

Aaron has a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. His passion was so great he pursued a master’s degree in Wildlife Biology. He has an education in upland game ecology and management. He has presented numerous technical papers about upland birds. Aaron was a board member for...Aaron has a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. His passion was so great he pursued a master’s degree in Wildlife Biology. He has an education in upland game ecology and management. He has presented numerous technical papers about upland birds. Aaron was a board member for...

Aaron Robinson 1

Aaron has a long history of dog training and upland bird hunting. His passion was so great he pursued a master’s degree in Wildlife Biology. He has an education in upland game ecology and management. He has presented numerous technical papers about upland birds. Aaron was a board member for...

My father was a passionate bird hunter and amateur dog trainer, and I grew up around dogs. I’ve worked with various hunting breeds for more than 50 years, including pointing, flushing, and retrieving dogs. My father imported a Brittany female from France in 1958, and I fell in love with...My father was a passionate bird hunter and amateur dog trainer, and I grew up around dogs. I’ve worked with various hunting breeds for more than 50 years, including pointing, flushing, and retrieving dogs. My father imported a Brittany female from France in 1958, and I fell in love with...

Kirk Moffitt

My father was a passionate bird hunter and amateur dog trainer, and I grew up around dogs. I’ve worked with various hunting breeds for more than 50 years, including pointing, flushing, and retrieving dogs. My father imported a Brittany female from France in 1958, and I fell in love with...

The first time me eyes as a kid saw a hunting dog on point, I was captivated. A dog frozen in time, with its nostrils flaring, mouth savouring the scent of the bird it lives for, yet resisting the instinctive urge to leap and scare the prey was the most fascinating and beautiful sight...The first time me eyes as a kid saw a hunting dog on point, I was captivated. A dog frozen in time, with its nostrils flaring, mouth savouring the scent of the bird it lives for, yet resisting the instinctive urge to leap and scare the prey was the most fascinating and beautiful sight...

Bret Wonnacott

The first time me eyes as a kid saw a hunting dog on point, I was captivated. A dog frozen in time, with its nostrils flaring, mouth savouring the scent of the bird it lives for, yet resisting the instinctive urge to leap and scare the prey was the most fascinating and beautiful sight...

La prima volta che i miei occhi da bambino videro un cane da caccia in posizione di ferma, rimasi affascinato. Un cane immobile nel tempo, con le narici che si dilatano, la bocca che assapora l'odore dell'uccello per cui vive, e tuttavia resistendo istintivamente all'impulso di balzare e spaventare la preda era lo spettacolo più affascinante e bello...La prima volta che i miei occhi da bambino videro un cane da caccia in posizione di ferma, rimasi affascinato. Un cane immobile nel tempo, con le narici che si dilatano, la bocca che assapora l'odore dell'uccello per cui vive, e tuttavia resistendo istintivamente all'impulso di balzare e spaventare la preda era lo spettacolo più affascinante e bello...

Bret Wonnacott

La prima volta che i miei occhi da bambino videro un cane da caccia in posizione di ferma, rimasi affascinato. Un cane immobile nel tempo, con le narici che si dilatano, la bocca che assapora l'odore dell'uccello per cui vive, e tuttavia resistendo istintivamente all'impulso di balzare e spaventare la preda era lo spettacolo più affascinante e bello...

Gear The Way You'd Design It