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Charlie Jurney

Piémont, Caroline du Nord


Charlie Jurney forme des chiens de performance et de chasse depuis plus de 30 ans. Au cours de cette période, il a produit des centaines de chiens titrés, y compris des Grands Champions de Chasseurs Rapporteurs, des Champions de Chasseurs Rapporteurs, des Maîtres Chasseurs, des Grands Maîtres Champions de Chasseurs Rapporteurs et des Maîtres Chasseurs Rapporteurs. Ses écrits ont été publiés dans The Retriever Journal, Just Labs, The Pointing Dog Journal, et de nombreux autres journaux spécialisés. Charlie et ses chiens personnels ont guidé de nombreuses personnes à travers leurs programmes de formation avec des vidéos telles que « Game Dog », « Gun Dog », et « Water Dog ». Il a également utilisé ses expériences de formation pour compléter son propre manuel d'entraînement, Finished Dog, qui est devenu un favori pour l'entraîneur amateur.

Pourquoi j'utilise la marque SportDOG

J'utilise les produits de la marque SportDOG car ils fonctionnent. Point final.

Produits préférés

Mes produits préférés sont le Système de Lancement à Distance et le SD-1825.


Articles by Charlie Jurney

N'oubliez pas de présenter votre chien rapporteur aux leurresN'oubliez pas de présenter votre chien rapporteur aux leurres

N'oubliez pas de présenter votre chien rapporteur aux leurres

Dans notre enthousiasme à former un retriever en un chien de sauvagine de premier ordre, il est facile d'oublier des petits détails importants. Par exemple, votre chien pourrait vous rendre fier lorsqu'il réussit un long rapport. Mais la première fois que vous lui demanderez de nager à travers quatre douzaines de leurres pour récupérer un...

Understand This Before you TrainUnderstand This Before you Train

Understand This Before you Train

Every animal on the planet has an alpha or beta relationship with every other animal. We usually think of “beta” as submissive and beaten down, but in wild packs or herds, that is not the case. The beta dog in a pack of wild dogs is still quite happy and...

Training Your Retriever for Double DutyTraining Your Retriever for Double Duty

Training Your Retriever for Double Duty

If you own a waterfowl dog, chances are that sooner or later you’re going to ask it to perform upland duty. It might be a pheasant hunt as a sideline to your Dakota duck hunt, or maybe an afternoon of quail hunting after a morning goose hunt. Most retrievers handle...

View All Articles by Charlie Jurney

Other Senior Prostaff

Brice Morris is a keen upland game bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs, renowned for achieving high scores in walking field trials thanks to a well-structured and positive training regime. Brice offers training and guiding services for a leading hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors young people as well as...Brice Morris is a keen upland game bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs, renowned for achieving high scores in walking field trials thanks to a well-structured and positive training regime. Brice offers training and guiding services for a leading hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors young people as well as...

Brice Morris

Brice Morris is a keen upland game bird hunter and trainer of gun dogs, renowned for achieving high scores in walking field trials thanks to a well-structured and positive training regime. Brice offers training and guiding services for a leading hunting lodge in the upper Midwest and mentors young people as well as...

Ashley started hunting in his early childhood years with his father and grandfather. At the age of 15 he began competing in the United Kennel Club (UKC) and Professional Kennel Club (PKC) hunting associations. Ashley has accomplished many titles in his hunting career. Included among those are four Final Four...Ashley started hunting in his early childhood years with his father and grandfather. At the age of 15 he began competing in the United Kennel Club (UKC) and Professional Kennel Club (PKC) hunting associations. Ashley has accomplished many titles in his hunting career. Included among those are four Final Four...

Swarna Test People

Ashley started hunting in his early childhood years with his father and grandfather. At the age of 15 he began competing in the United Kennel Club (UKC) and Professional Kennel Club (PKC) hunting associations. Ashley has accomplished many titles in his hunting career. Included among those are four Final Four...

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The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

In an industry seemingly overcrowded with electronic dog-training products, Radio Systems Corporation’s renewed venture into the sporting-dog market with the creation of SportDOG® Brand in 2003 might have appeared to be driven only by misguided ambition. However, that was far from the case. Our broad line of superior products is the result of focusing on a promise we made to our customers on day one: "Gear The Way You’d Design It®".

Gear The Way You'd Design It