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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


(fr-fr) foobar, Advanced, Advanced- Swarna test us, Basic, Basic (ES), Basic (IT), De base, De base, foobar, Hound, Oiseaux aquatiques, swarna test advanced, Test avancé - Swarna FR-BE, Upland, Waterfowl

N'oubliez pas de présenter votre chien rapporteur aux leurresN'oubliez pas de présenter votre chien rapporteur aux leurres

N'oubliez pas de présenter votre chien rapporteur aux leurres

by Charlie Jurney

Dans notre enthousiasme à former un retriever en un chien de sauvagine de premier ordre, il est facile d'oublier des petits détails importants. Par exemple, votre chien pourrait vous rendre fier lorsqu'il réussit un long rapport. Mais la première fois que vous lui demanderez de nager à travers quatre douzaines de leurres pour récupérer un...

Understand This Before you TrainUnderstand This Before you Train

Understand This Before you Train

by Charlie Jurney

Every animal on the planet has an alpha or beta relationship with every other animal. We usually think of “beta” as submissive and beaten down, but in wild packs or herds, that is not the case. The beta dog in a pack of wild dogs is still quite happy and...

Training Your Retriever for Double DutyTraining Your Retriever for Double Duty

Training Your Retriever for Double Duty

by Charlie Jurney

If you own a waterfowl dog, chances are that sooner or later you’re going to ask it to perform upland duty. It might be a pheasant hunt as a sideline to your Dakota duck hunt, or maybe an afternoon of quail hunting after a morning goose hunt. Most retrievers handle...

Reward Based Training for LabsReward Based Training for Labs

Reward Based Training for Labs

by Charlie Jurney

Imagine you go to work this week giving your best efforts to satisfy the boss and make the company successful. During that time you forgot to return one phone call and came in five minutes late on Thursday because of a wreck on the highway. The rest of the week...

Keeping the Fun in Retriever TrainingKeeping the Fun in Retriever Training

Keeping the Fun in Retriever Training

by Charlie Jurney

Wouldn’t it be nice in the middle of a rough day if someone stopped by and said a few words that made all your cares go away? Instantly your negative feelings would disappear and you’d be happy. Well, in retriever training, there is something that can have that effect on...

How To Choose An E-Collar For Retriever TrainingHow To Choose An E-Collar For Retriever Training

How To Choose An E-Collar For Retriever Training

by Charlie Jurney

Opinions on the right way to choose and use a remote electronic collar for retriever training are as varied as the countless training methods used to create a top-notch waterfowl dog. I’ve been fortunate that my time and experience in retriever training have allowed me to experiment with a lot...

SportDOG Brand® Launcher System Revolutionizes Retriever TrainingSportDOG Brand® Launcher System Revolutionizes Retriever Training

SportDOG Brand® Launcher System Revolutionizes Retriever Training

by Charlie Jurney

Retriever training was changed forever with the introduction of “wingers” and other rubber-band-type devices that could fling dummies or birds from long distances, creating realistic, challenging marks. Now, SportDOG has raised the bar with a new remote launcher system that provides more efficiency and versatility than anything else on the...

6 Tips for Containment System Training6 Tips for Containment System Training

6 Tips for Containment System Training

by Charlie Jurney

Judging by the number of homes whose yards are decorated with white pet containment training flags these days, it seems that in-ground fencing has gone mainstream. It’s great that dog owners are taking responsibility for keeping their pets from wandering. While the basics of setting up and training a dog...

Training Commands: Talk Less, Reinforce MoreTraining Commands: Talk Less, Reinforce More

Training Commands: Talk Less, Reinforce More

by Charlie Jurney

No matter how good our intentions, we hunters and dog trainers as a whole commit one error that sets our training progress back and creates additional problems. We commit this error over and over again, and it’s vitally important to recognize it and fix it. What am I talking about?...

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 2Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 2

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 2

by Charlie Jurney

In Part 1 of this article series, I discussed purchasing a puppy and considering bloodlines. Now we'll dig into the best breeder and how to pick the right litter. The most reasonable way to locate a well-bred puppy for yourself is by doing a great deal of research. Ask each breeder...

N'oubliez pas de présenter votre chien rapporteur aux leurresN'oubliez pas de présenter votre chien rapporteur aux leurres

N'oubliez pas de présenter votre chien rapporteur aux leurres

by Charlie Jurney

Dans notre enthousiasme à former un retriever en un chien de sauvagine de premier ordre, il est facile d'oublier des petits détails importants. Par exemple, votre chien pourrait vous rendre fier lorsqu'il réalise un long rapport. Mais la première fois que vous lui demandez de nager à travers quatre douzaines de leurres pour rapporter un...

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best e-collar for training your dog, ensuring that when the time comes, you’re equipped with a tool that’s up to the task, no matter how tough the conditions.In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best e-collar for training your dog, ensuring that when the time comes, you’re equipped with a tool that’s up to the task, no matter how tough the conditions.

The Ultimate SportDOG Guide: Choosing the Best E-Collar for Your Dog

by Charlie Jurney

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best e-collar for training your dog, ensuring that when the time comes, you’re equipped with a tool that’s up to the task, no matter how tough the conditions.

Watch for Displacement BehaviorWatch for Displacement Behavior

Watch for Displacement Behavior

by Charlie Jurney

No matter what breed of dog you’re training, at some point the dog will try any number of tricks to avoid giving up its alpha position. Yawning, scratching, sniffing, head shaking and licking are all ways in which your dog will attempt to delay performing a command. Your dog may...

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 1Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 1

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 1

by Charlie Jurney

Each time someone calls to ask about locating a puppy, I have flashbacks to my first dog, Sam. I purchased Sam from a friend who had an athletic eager hunting dog. He decided to breed his girl to a very nice looking male whose ancestors found fame in the show...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 1Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 1

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 1

by Charlie Jurney

Chaque fois que quelqu'un appelle pour demander où trouver un chiot, je me remémore mon premier chien, Sam. J'ai acheté Sam à un ami qui avait un chien de chasse athlétique et enthousiaste. Il a décidé de faire reproduire sa femelle avec un mâle très séduisant dont les ancêtres avaient acquis de la notoriété dans les expositions...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 3Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 3

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 3

by Charlie Jurney

J'ai parlé de choisir le meilleur chiot dans la deuxième partie de cette série d'articles. Maintenant, vous devez décider si vous voulez un chien déjà formé ou un chien totalement dressé. Alors maintenant, vous savez ce que vous recherchez chez un chiot, mais que faire si vous ne voulez pas vous occuper...


Charlie Jurney trainiert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Leistungs- und Jagdhunde. In dieser Zeit hat er Hunderte von ausgezeichneten Hunden hervorgebracht, darunter Große Jagdhund-Retriever-Champions, Jagdhund-Retriever-Champions, Meisterjäger, Große Meisterjagdhund-Retriever-Champions und Meisterjagdhund-Retriever. Seine Schriften wurden in The...Charlie Jurney trainiert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Leistungs- und Jagdhunde. In dieser Zeit hat er Hunderte von ausgezeichneten Hunden hervorgebracht, darunter Große Jagdhund-Retriever-Champions, Jagdhund-Retriever-Champions, Meisterjäger, Große Meisterjagdhund-Retriever-Champions und Meisterjagdhund-Retriever. Seine Schriften wurden in The...

Charlie Jurney

20 articles

Charlie Jurney trainiert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Leistungs- und Jagdhunde. In dieser Zeit hat er Hunderte von ausgezeichneten Hunden hervorgebracht, darunter Große Jagdhund-Retriever-Champions, Jagdhund-Retriever-Champions, Meisterjäger, Große Meisterjagdhund-Retriever-Champions und Meisterjagdhund-Retriever. Seine Schriften wurden in The...

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

2 articles

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Chris has spent most of his life duck hunting or training in the field. Over the years, his program evolved into one of the most accomplished hunt test programs in the country. Webb Footed Kennels, Inc. has produced more than 350 Hunting Retriever Champions, 175 Master Hunters, and 35 Grand...Chris has spent most of his life duck hunting or training in the field. Over the years, his program evolved into one of the most accomplished hunt test programs in the country. Webb Footed Kennels, Inc. has produced more than 350 Hunting Retriever Champions, 175 Master Hunters, and 35 Grand...

Chris Akin

7 articles

Chris has spent most of his life duck hunting or training in the field. Over the years, his program evolved into one of the most accomplished hunt test programs in the country. Webb Footed Kennels, Inc. has produced more than 350 Hunting Retriever Champions, 175 Master Hunters, and 35 Grand...

Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...

Matt Mates

1 article

Ich habe Hochlandwildvögel von North Dakota bis zum nördlichen Maine gejagt und die meiste Zeit in meinem Heimatstaat Michigan verbracht. Meine Liebe zu Fasanen geht zurück auf die Tage meiner Jugend, als ich zum ersten Mal mit unseren Labradors, Deutsch Kurzhaar oder gelegentlich beim Laufen mit Beagles ihnen nachstellte...

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