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Chris Jobman

Western Nebraska


Chris and his wife Eileen are the owner operators of Flatlander Kennels in Western Nebraska. He has been training dogs for over 20 years and became a full time professional in 2000. Flatlander Kennels specializes in training retrievers for hunting, HRC and AKC hunt tests and the occasional field trial. Chris has trained 20 plus GRHRCH's, 100 plus HRCH's, over 50 MH's and 6 qualified all age (QAA) dogs. Chris is an avid waterfowl hunter and you can usually find him chasing ducks and geese on the North Platte river in the fall and winter.

Other Senior Prostaff

Tracy Hayes has lived a lifetime with gun dogs. His first two dogs were a gift from a family friend he received when he was 9 years old. Coming from a birddog family, his youth was filled with pointing dogs, quail, grouse and pointing dog field trials.  In his early...Tracy Hayes has lived a lifetime with gun dogs. His first two dogs were a gift from a family friend he received when he was 9 years old. Coming from a birddog family, his youth was filled with pointing dogs, quail, grouse and pointing dog field trials.  In his early...

A Tracy Hayes

Tracy Hayes has lived a lifetime with gun dogs. His first two dogs were a gift from a family friend he received when he was 9 years old. Coming from a birddog family, his youth was filled with pointing dogs, quail, grouse and pointing dog field trials.  In his early...

People and a dogPeople and a dog

The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

In an industry seemingly overcrowded with electronic dog-training products, Radio Systems Corporation’s renewed venture into the sporting-dog market with the creation of SportDOG® Brand in 2003 might have appeared to be driven only by misguided ambition. However, that was far from the case. Our broad line of superior products is the result of focusing on a promise we made to our customers on day one: "Gear The Way You’d Design It®".

Ho iniziato la mia carriera di addestratore al liceo, lanciando uccelli per un allenatore di prove su campo, non sapevo che mi stesse indirizzando verso il percorso del mio futuro. Addestro cani da ormai 7 anni, ma sono stato circondato da cani per tutta la mia vita....Ho iniziato la mia carriera di addestratore al liceo, lanciando uccelli per un allenatore di prove su campo, non sapevo che mi stesse indirizzando verso il percorso del mio futuro. Addestro cani da ormai 7 anni, ma sono stato circondato da cani per tutta la mia vita....

Justin Beall

Ho iniziato la mia carriera di addestratore al liceo, lanciando uccelli per un allenatore di prove su campo, non sapevo che mi stesse indirizzando verso il percorso del mio futuro. Addestro cani da ormai 7 anni, ma sono stato circondato da cani per tutta la mia vita....

Gear The Way You'd Design It