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A Draft person

Glenville, PA


Mike Tracy was born into the Field Trial World. Starting at the early age of 7, barely as tall and certainly not as powerful as the English Pointer male named Andy he handled, he took second place in a local Amateur Derby stake. At age 10, Mike won the Pennsylvania Open Puppy Award with English Pointer female, Alice. When he was 13, he won the Pennsylvania Open Shooting Dog of the Year Award. In his adult years, Mike has won numerous championships including the Keystone Open, Shooting Dog Championships, Purina Shooting Dog Handler of the Year 7 times, and many more. He serves on the Board of Directors of the National Dog Futurity and is a member of the Indianatown Gap Bird Dog Club.

Mike is laidback and easy-going in his training style. He likes classy dogs that are intelligent and have good noses. He particularly looks for trainable dogs that can be shaped into top shooting dogs.

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

I like the SportDOG products because of their consistent stimulation whether at 100 yards or 1/2 mile range. Their products are easy to use and very reliable.

Favorite Products

ProHunter 2525

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