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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


(fr-fr) foobar, Advanced, Advanced- Swarna test us, Basic, Basic (ES), Basic (IT), De base, De base, foobar, Hound, Oiseaux aquatiques, swarna test advanced, Test avancé - Swarna FR-BE, Upland, Waterfowl

Handing Over the Reins...or Check CordsHanding Over the Reins...or Check Cords

Handing Over the Reins...or Check Cords

by Tom Keer

Time marches on, we all know that.  A new generation grabbing the reins is exciting and terrifying, all at the same time.  There is a bittersweet part of handing over the reins, the transmitters, and the check cords.  The bitter part is that it means that we’re getting older.  The...

Finding the Right NoBark Collar for Your Hunting DogFinding the Right NoBark Collar for Your Hunting Dog

Finding the Right NoBark Collar for Your Hunting Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

Our NoBark Collars are famous for helping teach your dog when to be silent, but how do you know which one is right for your gun dog? We offer three models of NoBark collars to allow you to pick the best solution for your dog. Below are some helpful tips...

What You Need to Know About the SportDOG LauncherWhat You Need to Know About the SportDOG Launcher

What You Need to Know About the SportDOG Launcher

by The SportDOG Staff

We are proud to announce that the SportDOG Brand® Remote Launcher System is hitting stores near you. We have information about the latest in our dog training line on our website. Currently, these are not available for purchase directly from us, but they are hitting shelves at brick and mortar...

Improve Your Dog Work by Hunting for a Different SpeciesImprove Your Dog Work by Hunting for a Different Species

Improve Your Dog Work by Hunting for a Different Species

by Tom Keer

If I were to look back on my bird hunting life, the overwhelming amount of my days in the field were spent pursuing Ruffed grouse and woodcock. The focus of my attention has been in New England and Canada, and if I were to drill down even more New Hampshire...

5 Reasons to Join a Conservation Organization5 Reasons to Join a Conservation Organization

5 Reasons to Join a Conservation Organization

by The SportDOG Staff

Through our Conservation Fund, we support National, Regional and Local conservation organizations to ensure the future of our sport. These partners, such as Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, Ruffed Grouse Society and Delta Waterfowl just to name a few, dedicate themselves to protecting wildlife habitat, growing game populations and introducing new...

From Shelter to Field: Tips on Training a Rescue DogFrom Shelter to Field: Tips on Training a Rescue Dog

From Shelter to Field: Tips on Training a Rescue Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

The New Year often brings with it new dogs. Many of you may be looking into adding a new addition to your family as we speak. A major question we get this time of year is “can a rescue dog make an adequate hunting dog”. The short answer is yes....

Skin Laceration Repair in the FieldSkin Laceration Repair in the Field

Skin Laceration Repair in the Field

by Shawn Kinkelaar

There is nothing finer than being afield in autumn’s country with bird dogs.  The whir of wings as a covey of scaled quail erupts from the sand sage can stir the cholesterol from the morning’s greasy-spoon-country-dinner breakfast.  Gun smoke clears the air as the setter climbs through the taut five-stranded...

Tom Dokken's Top 10 Tips for Dog TrainingTom Dokken's Top 10 Tips for Dog Training

Tom Dokken's Top 10 Tips for Dog Training

by The SportDOG Staff

Senior ProStaffer Tom Dokken has forgotten more about dog training than most of us will ever know, so it'd be almost impossible to get everything in one place, but Tom shared some of his Top 10 Tips for dog training: 1. Never give a command you cannot enforce. If you do...

Proper Dental Care for Your DogProper Dental Care for Your Dog

Proper Dental Care for Your Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

You put a lot into your dog’s health. Make sure you don’t mess up any of your good work by overlook a vital part of your dog’s wellness regimen: Dental Care. Dogs accumulate plaque and other germs just the same as humans do and these can pose serious health risks to...

Is Your Dog Ready for Opening Day?Is Your Dog Ready for Opening Day?

Is Your Dog Ready for Opening Day?

by The SportDOG Staff

For many, opening day is right around the corner. While this is the day many of us have been waiting on for months, it’s important to not get so caught up in the anticipation that you forget to make sure you and your pup are fully prepared for your first...

Steadiness at Its BestSteadiness at Its Best

Steadiness at Its Best

by Bradley Bradshaw

Have you ever been out hunting in the blind with your buddies and just before shooting time a group of mallards come lighting into the decoys? You know if your dog breaks on them, the hunt is over. Well I'm gonna give you a training tip that will help make...

Lyme Disease-Keeping You and Your Dog Safe in the FieldLyme Disease-Keeping You and Your Dog Safe in the Field

Lyme Disease-Keeping You and Your Dog Safe in the Field

by The SportDOG Staff

While there is nothing better than a day in the wild with your dog, it does come with its risks. One of these is Lyme disease. Most every outdoorsman is familiar with this tick-transmitted disease, but what you might not be aware of is that it is on the rise....

The Golden Rules of Dog TrainingThe Golden Rules of Dog Training

The Golden Rules of Dog Training

by The SportDOG Staff

Dog training is an art man has been trying to perfect since the domestication of canines. There are almost as many theories on dog training as there are on raising children. Many of these theories are effective and having multiple options allows you to tailor your training to your dog....

Leading the PackLeading the Pack

Leading the Pack

by The SportDOG Staff

Spring time is upon us (at least that’s what the weather people are telling us) which often means new puppies to train. As you begin working with your new little hunting buddy, it’s important to remember that dogs are pack animals, and as such look for a leader. If it’s...

Teaching the Down CommandTeaching the Down Command

Teaching the Down Command

by Gary Sheffer draft

Down, sometimes referred to as the Down Stay command, is a Strong Control Command.  Down is an essential Command for all types of working and non-working dogs.  The command can be used in a boat, blind, or field. I find it very useful after the hunt, to check the dog...

Recipes from the FieldRecipes from the Field

Recipes from the Field

by The SportDOG Staff

If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you know that occasionally we like to share some of our favorite recipes. Despite popular belief, we can cook. We’re actually pretty daggone good at it, and we assume many of you are as well. Why? Because it just goes with...


Il a décidé de franchir le pas et de faire de l'entraînement des retrievers son activité principale. Billy a formé et qualifié avec succès des chiens dans tous les niveaux des tests de chasse HRC, ainsi que des chiens de chasse et a enseigné l'obéissance de base pour les chiens de compagnie. Billy a également participé à des événements SRS...Il a décidé de franchir le pas et de faire de l'entraînement des retrievers son activité principale. Billy a formé et qualifié avec succès des chiens dans tous les niveaux des tests de chasse HRC, ainsi que des chiens de chasse et a enseigné l'obéissance de base pour les chiens de compagnie. Billy a également participé à des événements SRS...

Billy Mosley

1 article

Il a décidé de franchir le pas et de faire de l'entraînement des retrievers son activité principale. Billy a formé et qualifié avec succès des chiens dans tous les niveaux des tests de chasse HRC, ainsi que des chiens de chasse et a enseigné l'obéissance de base pour les chiens de compagnie. Billy a également participé à des événements SRS...

Dave trainiert seit über 6 Jahren Hunde mit Ferntrainern der Marke SportDOG Brand®. Er hat zahlreiche Labradore für die Jagd im Hochland und für die Wasservogeljagd ausgebildet.Dave trainiert seit über 6 Jahren Hunde mit Ferntrainern der Marke SportDOG Brand®. Er hat zahlreiche Labradore für die Jagd im Hochland und für die Wasservogeljagd ausgebildet.

David Siple

1 article

Dave trainiert seit über 6 Jahren Hunde mit Ferntrainern der Marke SportDOG Brand®. Er hat zahlreiche Labradore für die Jagd im Hochland und für die Wasservogeljagd ausgebildet.

Ben Garcia ritiene che ci sia un segreto nell'addestramento dei cani: "Sapere dove si vuole arrivare e dove si vuole che il proprio cane finisca." Ben dice che questo obiettivo è la chiave per sviluppare al meglio il proprio amico a quattro zampe sul campo. Con questo in mente, Ben tratta ogni cane come un individuo,...Ben Garcia ritiene che ci sia un segreto nell'addestramento dei cani: "Sapere dove si vuole arrivare e dove si vuole che il proprio cane finisca." Ben dice che questo obiettivo è la chiave per sviluppare al meglio il proprio amico a quattro zampe sul campo. Con questo in mente, Ben tratta ogni cane come un individuo,...

Ben Garcia

1 article

Ben Garcia ritiene che ci sia un segreto nell'addestramento dei cani: "Sapere dove si vuole arrivare e dove si vuole che il proprio cane finisca." Ben dice che questo obiettivo è la chiave per sviluppare al meglio il proprio amico a quattro zampe sul campo. Con questo in mente, Ben tratta ogni cane come un individuo,...

Born and raised in the mountains of western North Carolina, Kim Bishop, along with his wife Kirsten, own K&K Kennels. Kim has been competition hunting with hounds since the age of 18, has made four UKC and three AKC World appearances, and has many titles under his belt, including four...Born and raised in the mountains of western North Carolina, Kim Bishop, along with his wife Kirsten, own K&K Kennels. Kim has been competition hunting with hounds since the age of 18, has made four UKC and three AKC World appearances, and has many titles under his belt, including four...

Kim Bishop

4 articles

Born and raised in the mountains of western North Carolina, Kim Bishop, along with his wife Kirsten, own K&K Kennels. Kim has been competition hunting with hounds since the age of 18, has made four UKC and three AKC World appearances, and has many titles under his belt, including four...

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