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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


Advanced, Advanced- US, Basic, ET test category, foobar, Hound, swarna test advanced, Upland, Waterfowl

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Aia blog post languages translations

by Charlie Jurney

Aia blog post languages translations descriptions

Andrey test blog post

by Joe Paush

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best e-collar for training your dog, ensuring that when the time comes, you’re equipped with a tool that’s up to the task, no matter how tough the conditions.In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best e-collar for training your dog, ensuring that when the time comes, you’re equipped with a tool that’s up to the task, no matter how tough the conditions.

The Ultimate SportDOG Guide: Choosing the Best E-Collar for Your Dog

by Charlie Jurney

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best e-collar for training your dog, ensuring that when the time comes, you’re equipped with a tool that’s up to the task, no matter how tough the conditions.

Andrey test blog post

by Joe Paush

3 Reasons to Use TEK 2.0 for Coon Hunting3 Reasons to Use TEK 2.0 for Coon Hunting

3 Reasons to Use TEK 2.0 for Coon Hunting-swarna test

by Kim Bishop

Keeping tabs on my Treeing Walkers in the mountains of North Carolina is a tall task. It’s really challenging terrain from the standpoint of both navigating through it and also being able to hear my dogs when they’re on a track or treed. One of the perks of being a...

Beagle in kennel wearing NoBark collarBeagle in kennel wearing NoBark collar

6 Travel Considerations for Hunting Season

by Tom Dokken

One-day or weekend bird-hunting trips are nice if you’re fortunate to have good destinations close to home, but for many hunters, long-distance, out-of-state trips are the norm. These extended adventures require more planning if you want to enjoy them to the fullest. Here are some considerations to keep in mind. Where...

Controlling the Hunt with the HoundHunter® 3225Controlling the Hunt with the HoundHunter® 3225

Controlling the Hunt with the HoundHunter® 3225

by Kim Bishop

One of the most common topics of discussion when it comes to hound hunting is how to get your dog to handle. By “handle” I mean getting your dog to reliably return to you even when it’s far away and out of sight. This is a very simple concept to...

5 Reasons To Use The SportDOG Brand® NoBark SBC-R Collar5 Reasons To Use The SportDOG Brand® NoBark SBC-R Collar

5 Reasons To Use The SportDOG Brand® NoBark SBC-R Collar

by The SportDOG Staff

Let’s face the facts … dogs bark! For most dog owners, barking is considered a norm. However, there are a variety of circumstances and situations in which owners seek out ways to correct this behavior. Most commonly, owners look for assistance through the use of an electronic bark-control collar. Leading the way...

3 Ways You’re Ruining Your Gun Dog Puppy3 Ways You’re Ruining Your Gun Dog Puppy

3 Ways You’re Ruining Your Gun Dog Puppy

by Greg McGuffin

Owners of puppies make countless training mistakes. They may not know it initially, but it’s the little things that separate professional trainers from owners that dabble in training. As a professional trainer, I’ve see every type of misguided puppy and spent countless hours undoing bad habits. Commonly, when a 6-month-old puppy...

3 Reasons to Use TEK 2.0 for Coon Hunting3 Reasons to Use TEK 2.0 for Coon Hunting

3 Reasons to Use TEK 2.0 for Coon Hunting

by Kim Bishop

Keeping tabs on my Treeing Walkers in the mountains of North Carolina is a tall task. It’s really challenging terrain from the standpoint of both navigating through it and also being able to hear my dogs when they’re on a track or treed. One of the perks of being a...

TEK 2.0: Utilizing the Trip ComputerTEK 2.0: Utilizing the Trip Computer

TEK 2.0: Utilizing the Trip Computer

by Matt Mates

If you’ve paid attention to the reviews for the TEK 2.0 system from SportDOG Brand®, you know that hunters are really impressed with the mapping feature. Count me as one of them. While a lot of hunters and dog handlers rely on the screen’s information to help them locate a...

5 Tips for TEK 2.05 Tips for TEK 2.0

5 Tips for TEK 2.0

by Aaron Robinson 1

When it comes to choosing an e-collar you must consider several key factors before deciding which unit is ideal for you. First, consider your canine hunting companion. Is your dog close working, or a “horizon chaser”? Second, what is your primary hunting specie? For example, are you a hunter who likes...

How to Match Your E-Collar to Your Hunting ConditionsHow to Match Your E-Collar to Your Hunting Conditions

How to Match Your E-Collar to Your Hunting Conditions

by Tom Keer

One of my dogless hunting buddies lives in the city. He's the guy who has all the new gadgets. I kidded him about all his new toys and he tried to explain it like this; he said he’s an “early technology adaptor.” Say what? In my “bird hunter's English,” I...

Summer Hazards – 5 Precautions for your Hunting DogSummer Hazards – 5 Precautions for your Hunting Dog

Summer Hazards – 5 Precautions for your Hunting Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

Summertime means extra fun in the sun, but it also means some new dangers. These tips will help make sure you and your hunting partner stay safe in the field: Increased Hydration – Warmer weather means increased chanced of heat exhaustion for you and your dog. Even mild temperatures can pose...

Dealing with Hunting Dog InjuriesDealing with Hunting Dog Injuries

Dealing with Hunting Dog Injuries

by The SportDOG Staff

Cuts are common in hunting dogs. Briars, barbed-wire, broken glass, or even sharp broken saplings can slice a dog’s skin as it hunts. Appropriate field care of wounds can decrease healing time and make the veterinarian’s job much easier. Remember the watchwords: flush, fill and wrap. Flushing Fresh cuts may look quite...

Spring TrainingSpring Training

Spring Training

by The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

Spring is in the air, which means rabbit season is over in most parts of the country. So now what? I have a kennel full of Beagle rabbit hounds and no hunting, making this the perfect time to give a little extra attention to those younger hounds. Spring is a...

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