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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


(fr-fr) foobar, Advanced, Advanced- Swarna test us, Basic, Basic (ES), Basic (IT), De base, De base, foobar, Hound, Oiseaux aquatiques, swarna test advanced, Test avancé - Swarna FR-BE, Upland, Waterfowl

Beagle in kennel wearing NoBark collarBeagle in kennel wearing NoBark collar

6 Travel Considerations for Hunting Season

by Tom Dokken

One-day or weekend bird-hunting trips are nice if you’re fortunate to have good destinations close to home, but for many hunters, long-distance, out-of-state trips are the norm. These extended adventures require more planning if you want to enjoy them to the fullest. Here are some considerations to keep in mind. Where...

How Tone and Vibe Can Improve Your Upland Bird HuntingHow Tone and Vibe Can Improve Your Upland Bird Hunting

How Tone and Vibe Can Improve Your Upland Bird Hunting

by Tom Dokken

A flushing dog that has learned to work at just the right distance in front of hunters is a huge advantage in a pheasant field or grouse covert. “Just the right distance” varies with terrain and personal preference, but I think we can all agree that anytime your dog puts...

5 Must-Read Safety Tips for Working Your Dog in the Winter5 Must-Read Safety Tips for Working Your Dog in the Winter

5 Must-Read Safety Tips for Working Your Dog in the Winter

by The SportDOG Staff

Keep your training sessions with your dog quick and efficient to stave off cabin fever, while keeping your dog safe in inclement weather. For those of you caught in the polar vortex, you know it can limit your time out with your dog. The freezing cold temperatures can make it tempting...

5 Reasons To Use The SportDOG Brand® NoBark SBC-R Collar5 Reasons To Use The SportDOG Brand® NoBark SBC-R Collar

5 Reasons To Use The SportDOG Brand® NoBark SBC-R Collar

by The SportDOG Staff

Let’s face the facts … dogs bark! For most dog owners, barking is considered a norm. However, there are a variety of circumstances and situations in which owners seek out ways to correct this behavior. Most commonly, owners look for assistance through the use of an electronic bark-control collar. Leading the way...

3 Ways You’re Ruining Your Gun Dog Puppy3 Ways You’re Ruining Your Gun Dog Puppy

3 Ways You’re Ruining Your Gun Dog Puppy

by Greg McGuffin

Owners of puppies make countless training mistakes. They may not know it initially, but it’s the little things that separate professional trainers from owners that dabble in training. As a professional trainer, I’ve see every type of misguided puppy and spent countless hours undoing bad habits. Commonly, when a 6-month-old puppy...

Using the TEK 2.0 in the Big, Wide OpenUsing the TEK 2.0 in the Big, Wide Open

Using the TEK 2.0 in the Big, Wide Open

by Ben Garcia

Hunting with English setters, English Pointers and Brittany spaniels provides me with a lot of variety in my bird hunting. I want my dogs to cover lots and lots of ground, so I really let them stretch the horizon. While some of them work more closely than others, I’m confident...

TEK 2.0: Utilizing the Trip ComputerTEK 2.0: Utilizing the Trip Computer

TEK 2.0: Utilizing the Trip Computer

by Matt Mates

If you’ve paid attention to the reviews for the TEK 2.0 system from SportDOG Brand®, you know that hunters are really impressed with the mapping feature. Count me as one of them. While a lot of hunters and dog handlers rely on the screen’s information to help them locate a...

TEK 2.0 Improves Grouse Hunting SuccessTEK 2.0 Improves Grouse Hunting Success

TEK 2.0 Improves Grouse Hunting Success

by The SportDOG Staff

The TEK 2.0 from SportDOG Brand® has turned out to be a real difference-maker in my grouse and woodcock guiding in northern Minnesota. I admit I wasn’t always a fan of using a tracking product, because to me it sounded like one more piece of equipment I’d have to maintain....

5 Tips for TEK 2.05 Tips for TEK 2.0

5 Tips for TEK 2.0

by Aaron Robinson 1

When it comes to choosing an e-collar you must consider several key factors before deciding which unit is ideal for you. First, consider your canine hunting companion. Is your dog close working, or a “horizon chaser”? Second, what is your primary hunting specie? For example, are you a hunter who likes...

How to Match Your E-Collar to Your Hunting ConditionsHow to Match Your E-Collar to Your Hunting Conditions

How to Match Your E-Collar to Your Hunting Conditions

by Tom Keer

One of my dogless hunting buddies lives in the city. He's the guy who has all the new gadgets. I kidded him about all his new toys and he tried to explain it like this; he said he’s an “early technology adaptor.” Say what? In my “bird hunter's English,” I...

Summer Hazards – 5 Precautions for your Hunting DogSummer Hazards – 5 Precautions for your Hunting Dog

Summer Hazards – 5 Precautions for your Hunting Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

Summertime means extra fun in the sun, but it also means some new dangers. These tips will help make sure you and your hunting partner stay safe in the field: Increased Hydration – Warmer weather means increased chanced of heat exhaustion for you and your dog. Even mild temperatures can pose...

Understand This Before you TrainUnderstand This Before you Train

Understand This Before you Train

by Charlie Jurney

Every animal on the planet has an alpha or beta relationship with every other animal. We usually think of “beta” as submissive and beaten down, but in wild packs or herds, that is not the case. The beta dog in a pack of wild dogs is still quite happy and...

Talent Is Not ObedienceTalent Is Not Obedience

Talent Is Not Obedience

by The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

Whoa! Can your hunting dog “whoa” or stop on a dime? Does it always come when called? Will it turn on command or always sit or lie down when instructed? Will it gently deliver a bird to your hand without chewing the least little bit? Good bird dogs have been...

Understanding Hunting Dog Ear InfectionsUnderstanding Hunting Dog Ear Infections

Understanding Hunting Dog Ear Infections

by The SportDOG Staff

Most hunting dog breeds have flop ears. This drooping ear flap contributes to a high incidence of ear infections because it decreases air circulation and traps bacteria, fungi and debris in the ear. The flop ear also makes it slightly more difficult for the owner to see ear problems promptly. Contributing...

Getting Your Retriever in the Thick of ThingsGetting Your Retriever in the Thick of Things

Getting Your Retriever in the Thick of Things

by Rick Grant

If you were going to go pheasant hunting on a farm where you’d never been before, where would you start your search? You would probably head for the thickest cover because you know that’s where birds feel safest and therefore tend to hang out the most, right? Well, when you...

Where to Begin with Puppy TrainingWhere to Begin with Puppy Training

Where to Begin with Puppy Training

by The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

There are several different things that need to be done for and with a new puppy. First and foremost make sure all pup’s shots are on time and up to date. Find a local veterinarian and set up an appointment for your new companion. This is one of many places you...


Il a décidé de franchir le pas et de faire de l'entraînement des retrievers son activité principale. Billy a formé et qualifié avec succès des chiens dans tous les niveaux des tests de chasse HRC, ainsi que des chiens de chasse et a enseigné l'obéissance de base pour les chiens de compagnie. Billy a également participé à des événements SRS...Il a décidé de franchir le pas et de faire de l'entraînement des retrievers son activité principale. Billy a formé et qualifié avec succès des chiens dans tous les niveaux des tests de chasse HRC, ainsi que des chiens de chasse et a enseigné l'obéissance de base pour les chiens de compagnie. Billy a également participé à des événements SRS...

Billy Mosley

1 article

Il a décidé de franchir le pas et de faire de l'entraînement des retrievers son activité principale. Billy a formé et qualifié avec succès des chiens dans tous les niveaux des tests de chasse HRC, ainsi que des chiens de chasse et a enseigné l'obéissance de base pour les chiens de compagnie. Billy a également participé à des événements SRS...

Greg McGuffin has been professionally training hunting dogs for 8 years.  3 years ago he and his family sold their house in Tulsa, Oklahoma and decided to dive head first into Retriever Training.  They now live on the 2,000 acre family ranch in south central Oklahoma where Greg, his wife,...Greg McGuffin has been professionally training hunting dogs for 8 years.  3 years ago he and his family sold their house in Tulsa, Oklahoma and decided to dive head first into Retriever Training.  They now live on the 2,000 acre family ranch in south central Oklahoma where Greg, his wife,...

Greg McGuffin

1 article

Greg McGuffin has been professionally training hunting dogs for 8 years.  3 years ago he and his family sold their house in Tulsa, Oklahoma and decided to dive head first into Retriever Training.  They now live on the 2,000 acre family ranch in south central Oklahoma where Greg, his wife,...

Decidió dar el salto y dedicarse a tiempo completo a entrenar retrievers. Billy ha entrenado y titulado con éxito perros en todos los niveles de pruebas de caza de HRC, así como entrenado perros de caza y enseñado obediencia básica para perros de compañía. Billy también ha competido en eventos de SRS...Decidió dar el salto y dedicarse a tiempo completo a entrenar retrievers. Billy ha entrenado y titulado con éxito perros en todos los niveles de pruebas de caza de HRC, así como entrenado perros de caza y enseñado obediencia básica para perros de compañía. Billy también ha competido en eventos de SRS...

Billy Mosley

1 article

Decidió dar el salto y dedicarse a tiempo completo a entrenar retrievers. Billy ha entrenado y titulado con éxito perros en todos los niveles de pruebas de caza de HRC, así como entrenado perros de caza y enseñado obediencia básica para perros de compañía. Billy también ha competido en eventos de SRS...

Joe est le propriétaire et l'entraîneur de Rooster Run Kennels, spécialisé dans le développement de chiens pour tous les aspects de la chasse. Rooster Run Kennels propose des formations pour les chiens d'arrêt et les rapporteurs et personnalise l'entraînement pour chaque type et niveau de chasseur. Rooster Run Kennels est le foyer du premier chien rapporteur à remporter la 1ère place...Joe est le propriétaire et l'entraîneur de Rooster Run Kennels, spécialisé dans le développement de chiens pour tous les aspects de la chasse. Rooster Run Kennels propose des formations pour les chiens d'arrêt et les rapporteurs et personnalise l'entraînement pour chaque type et niveau de chasseur. Rooster Run Kennels est le foyer du premier chien rapporteur à remporter la 1ère place...

Joe Pausha

2 articles

Joe est le propriétaire et l'entraîneur de Rooster Run Kennels, spécialisé dans le développement de chiens pour tous les aspects de la chasse. Rooster Run Kennels propose des formations pour les chiens d'arrêt et les rapporteurs et personnalise l'entraînement pour chaque type et niveau de chasseur. Rooster Run Kennels est le foyer du premier chien rapporteur à remporter la 1ère place...

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