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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


(fr-fr) foobar, Advanced, Advanced- Swarna test us, Basic, Basic (ES), Basic (IT), De base, De base, foobar, Hound, Oiseaux aquatiques, swarna test advanced, Test avancé - Swarna FR-BE, Upland, Waterfowl

Colliers électroniques : choisir le bon modèle et l'utiliser correctementColliers électroniques : choisir le bon modèle et l'utiliser correctement

Colliers électroniques : trouver le bon modèle et l'utiliser correctement

by Lynne Frady

Je ne suis pas sûr qu'un autre outil de dressage suscite autant de débats que les colliers électroniques. Certains les adorent et d'autres pensent qu'ils ont été créés par le diable en personne. Cela laisse de nombreux novices perplexes quant à ce dans quoi ils s'engagent avec un collier électronique. Après des années de dressage et d'expérience, je peux officiellement dire...

The Evolution of Dog Training: Communication is KeyThe Evolution of Dog Training: Communication is Key

The Evolution of Dog Training: Communication is Key

by Lynne Frady

When I started training I was young and green, there were not many training groups in my area to work with, just a few older gentlemen that got together once a month to train. I can’t complain because they welcomed a snot-nosed girl to train with them and I did...

E-Collars: Finding the Right One and Using it CorrectlyE-Collars: Finding the Right One and Using it Correctly

E-Collars: Finding the Right One and Using it Correctly

by Lynne Frady

I’m not sure if any other training tool stirs a debate like e-collars. Some people love them and others think they were made by the devil himself. This leaves many novices confused about what they’re getting into with an e-collar. After years of training and experience, I can officially tell...


Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

2 articles

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Owning Labrador Retrievers since the age of 9 has given Lynne a rare opportunity. She learned to listen to her dogs. They have taught her more than she has taught them, and to think any differently would be an error on her part, according to Lynne.
	She has had the pleasure...Owning Labrador Retrievers since the age of 9 has given Lynne a rare opportunity. She learned to listen to her dogs. They have taught her more than she has taught them, and to think any differently would be an error on her part, according to Lynne.
	She has had the pleasure...

Lynne Frady

3 articles

Owning Labrador Retrievers since the age of 9 has given Lynne a rare opportunity. She learned to listen to her dogs. They have taught her more than she has taught them, and to think any differently would be an error on her part, according to Lynne. She has had the pleasure...

Bradley was introduced to wild game hunting at 10 years old and has been passionate about it ever since. While Bradley works as a volunteer fireman, he also heads the duck hunting group DCWATERFOWL, which films hunting excursions to show fellow sportsmen the joys of waterfowl hunting.

	He is married to...Bradley was introduced to wild game hunting at 10 years old and has been passionate about it ever since. While Bradley works as a volunteer fireman, he also heads the duck hunting group DCWATERFOWL, which films hunting excursions to show fellow sportsmen the joys of waterfowl hunting.

	He is married to...

Bradley Bradshaw

2 articles

Bradley was introduced to wild game hunting at 10 years old and has been passionate about it ever since. While Bradley works as a volunteer fireman, he also heads the duck hunting group DCWATERFOWL, which films hunting excursions to show fellow sportsmen the joys of waterfowl hunting. He is married to...

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

2 articles

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

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