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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


(fr-fr) foobar, Advanced, Advanced- Swarna test us, Basic, Basic (ES), Basic (IT), De base, De base, foobar, Hound, Oiseaux aquatiques, swarna test advanced, Test avancé - Swarna FR-BE, Upland, Waterfowl

What Does “Socializing” Your Puppy Mean?What Does “Socializing” Your Puppy Mean?

What Does “Socializing” Your Puppy Mean?

by Tom Dokken

You hear a lot about “socializing” your puppy, but what does that mean and why is it important? Socializing is actually training. By that I mean that every time you are with your puppy he is learning something. You need to make sure he’s learning what you want him to...

Dealing with Hunting Dog InjuriesDealing with Hunting Dog Injuries

Dealing with Hunting Dog Injuries

by The SportDOG Staff

Cuts are common in hunting dogs. Briars, barbed-wire, broken glass, or even sharp broken saplings can slice a dog’s skin as it hunts. Appropriate field care of wounds can decrease healing time and make the veterinarian’s job much easier. Remember the watchwords: flush, fill and wrap. Flushing Fresh cuts may look quite...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 1Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 1

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 1

by Charlie Jurney

Chaque fois que quelqu'un appelle pour demander où trouver un chiot, je me remémore mon premier chien, Sam. J'ai acheté Sam à un ami qui avait un chien de chasse athlétique et enthousiaste. Il a décidé de faire reproduire sa femelle avec un mâle très séduisant dont les ancêtres avaient acquis de la notoriété dans les expositions...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 3Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 3

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 3

by Charlie Jurney

J'ai parlé de choisir le meilleur chiot dans la deuxième partie de cette série d'articles. Maintenant, vous devez décider si vous voulez un chien déjà formé ou un chien totalement dressé. Alors maintenant, vous savez ce que vous recherchez chez un chiot, mais que faire si vous ne voulez pas vous occuper...

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3

by Charlie Jurney

I talked about getting the pick of the litter in Part 2 of this article series. Now you have to decide whether you want a started dog or a finished dog. So now you know what you’re looking for in a puppy, but what if you do not want to deal...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 2Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes qualités - Partie 2

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2

by Charlie Jurney

Dans la première partie de cette série d'articles, j'ai abordé l'achat d'un chiot et la prise en compte des lignées. Nous allons maintenant nous pencher sur le meilleur éleveur et comment choisir la bonne portée. La manière la plus raisonnable de trouver un chiot bien élevé pour vous-même est de faire beaucoup de recherches. Demandez à chaque éleveur...

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2

Où trouver un chien avec les bonnes compétences - Partie 2

by Charlie Jurney

Dans la première partie de cette série d'articles, j'ai abordé l'achat d'un chiot et la prise en compte des lignées. Nous allons maintenant nous pencher sur le meilleur éleveur et comment choisir la bonne portée. La manière la plus raisonnable de trouver un chiot bien élevé pour soi-même est de faire beaucoup de recherches. Demandez à chaque éleveur...

Make Your Upland Retriever Crazy for FeathersMake Your Upland Retriever Crazy for Feathers

Make Your Upland Retriever Crazy for Feathers

by Tom Dokken

There’s nothing better than a hard-charging flushing dog that is absolutely crazy for birds. But how do you make sure your young retriever will turn out like that? Here are the steps I use. You can introduce your retriever to feathers when he is very young, say up to 12 weeks....

Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 1Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 1

Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 1

by LTC Jim Morehouse

When SportDOG™ asked me to write training articles on some of the aspects of training pointing dogs to handle birds, it seemed like a pretty easy task. As a full-time trainer and quail guide in Arizona, pointing dogs and birds are my passion. However, as I started to write about...

Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 4Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 4

Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 4

by LTC Jim Morehouse

In Part Three of this series I explained how to work on more advanced steadiness exercises using live birds. Now I’m going to finish by giving you my thoughts on how to deal with running birds. I’ve mentioned that when you start using live birds, you always try to work your...

Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 3Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 3

Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 3

by LTC Jim Morehouse

In Part Two of this series I outlined my method for tying in the “Whoa” command with live birds. Now it’s time to get into the some more advanced live-bird work. Everything I’m explaining here still involves using a 15-foot lead or check cord. I don’t introduce the electronic collar...

Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 2Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 2

Training Pointing Dogs with Birds - Part 2

by LTC Jim Morehouse

In Part One of this series I explained why “Whoa” is the most important command in pointing dog training. Now I’ll explain the next step I take toward tying “Whoa” and live birds together. I want to give my young dogs plenty of experience with finding live birds. One, it’s fun....

Hunting with KidsHunting with Kids

Hunting with Kids

by The SportDOG Staff

Hunting with kids is an entirely different animal. There are two very important things we must all remember. First, it’s all about the kids, not you. Second, no matter how mature you think a kid is, they do not think like an adult. Let’s look at the first one; it’s...

Where to Start with a Finished DogWhere to Start with a Finished Dog

Where to Start with a Finished Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

I get clients from time to time that want a dog that is already well on its way to being trained. They don’t want to go through puppyhood and all the pleasures of house breaking, chewing, obedience, and those razor sharp teeth. No, they want a dog that is between...

Holding your Kids’ Attention When They Are YoungHolding your Kids’ Attention When They Are Young

Holding your Kids’ Attention When They Are Young

by Tom Keer

When my daughter and son were younger, they both wanted to be firemen. That passion came about after our local Fire Chief Joe and his crew visited their school. The demonstration included an inspection of the fire truck, the helmets, the axes and pike poles, and the siren. I thought...

Building a First Aid KitBuilding a First Aid Kit

Building a First Aid Kit

by The SportDOG Staff

My background is a bit different than many of the dog handlers on the SportDOG® ProStaff. I’m a tactical paramedic. I work with law enforcement and service dogs. In fact, I’ve never hunted with dogs. However, I’ve trained explosive-detection canines, and I specialize in cadaver dogs. Today, I teach canine...


Proprietario di Etehoma Creek Kennels, un allevamento che offre un programma di addestramento per cani da caccia a scoiattoli/procioni dai principianti ai cani esperti, Jeffrey pratica la caccia con cani da seguita fin da quando aveva 6 anni e ha continuato la sua passione per la caccia negli ultimi 32 anni. Partecipa anche a gare di caccia competitive...Proprietario di Etehoma Creek Kennels, un allevamento che offre un programma di addestramento per cani da caccia a scoiattoli/procioni dai principianti ai cani esperti, Jeffrey pratica la caccia con cani da seguita fin da quando aveva 6 anni e ha continuato la sua passione per la caccia negli ultimi 32 anni. Partecipa anche a gare di caccia competitive...

Jeffrey Wood

2 articles

Proprietario di Etehoma Creek Kennels, un allevamento che offre un programma di addestramento per cani da caccia a scoiattoli/procioni dai principianti ai cani esperti, Jeffrey pratica la caccia con cani da seguita fin da quando aveva 6 anni e ha continuato la sua passione per la caccia negli ultimi 32 anni. Partecipa anche a gare di caccia competitive...

Lyle Steinman began his competitive career at the age of eight, traveling all over the United States showing cattle. He won more than 300 championships on the county, state, and national levels throughout the following 10 years. Lyle competed with Labradors as an amateur for many years before turning a...Lyle Steinman began his competitive career at the age of eight, traveling all over the United States showing cattle. He won more than 300 championships on the county, state, and national levels throughout the following 10 years. Lyle competed with Labradors as an amateur for many years before turning a...

Lyle Steinman

2 articles

Lyle Steinman began his competitive career at the age of eight, traveling all over the United States showing cattle. He won more than 300 championships on the county, state, and national levels throughout the following 10 years. Lyle competed with Labradors as an amateur for many years before turning a...

Il a décidé de franchir le pas et de faire de l'entraînement des retrievers son activité à plein temps. Billy a formé et qualifié avec succès des chiens dans tous les niveaux des tests de chasse HRC, ainsi que des chiens de chasse et a enseigné l'obéissance de base pour les chiens de compagnie. Billy a également participé à des événements SRS...Il a décidé de franchir le pas et de faire de l'entraînement des retrievers son activité à plein temps. Billy a formé et qualifié avec succès des chiens dans tous les niveaux des tests de chasse HRC, ainsi que des chiens de chasse et a enseigné l'obéissance de base pour les chiens de compagnie. Billy a également participé à des événements SRS...

Billy Mosley

1 article

Il a décidé de franchir le pas et de faire de l'entraînement des retrievers son activité à plein temps. Billy a formé et qualifié avec succès des chiens dans tous les niveaux des tests de chasse HRC, ainsi que des chiens de chasse et a enseigné l'obéissance de base pour les chiens de compagnie. Billy a également participé à des événements SRS...

Born and raised in the mountains of western North Carolina, Kim Bishop, along with his wife Kirsten, own K&K Kennels. Kim has been competition hunting with hounds since the age of 18, has made four UKC and three AKC World appearances, and has many titles under his belt, including four...Born and raised in the mountains of western North Carolina, Kim Bishop, along with his wife Kirsten, own K&K Kennels. Kim has been competition hunting with hounds since the age of 18, has made four UKC and three AKC World appearances, and has many titles under his belt, including four...

Kim Bishop

4 articles

Born and raised in the mountains of western North Carolina, Kim Bishop, along with his wife Kirsten, own K&K Kennels. Kim has been competition hunting with hounds since the age of 18, has made four UKC and three AKC World appearances, and has many titles under his belt, including four...

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