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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


(fr-fr) foobar, Advanced, Advanced- Swarna test us, Basic, Basic (ES), Basic (IT), De base, De base, foobar, Hound, Oiseaux aquatiques, swarna test advanced, Test avancé - Swarna FR-BE, Upland, Waterfowl

Training Commands: Talk Less, Reinforce MoreTraining Commands: Talk Less, Reinforce More

Training Commands: Talk Less, Reinforce More

by Charlie Jurney

No matter how good our intentions, we hunters and dog trainers as a whole commit one error that sets our training progress back and creates additional problems. We commit this error over and over again, and it’s vitally important to recognize it and fix it. What am I talking about?...

Dealing with a Heat-Related EmergencyDealing with a Heat-Related Emergency

Dealing with a Heat-Related Emergency

by The SportDOG Staff

We lose more dogs to heat-related emergencies than almost any other. If you take preventive measures before heading out to the field, there’s much less of a chance your dog will get into trouble. But when a dog starts to show signs of heat stress, knowing how to deal with...

handheld transmitterhandheld transmitter

Picking the Right E-Collar

by Tom Dokken

Purchasing your first SportDOG Brand® remote training collar or upgrading from an older model isn’t particularly difficult, but it does require some thought about which features are most important to you and how the collar is going to be used. Thankfully, SportDOG offers enough products that you can easily match...

How You Helped Build TEK 2.0How You Helped Build TEK 2.0

How You Helped Build TEK 2.0

by The SportDOG Staff

Hunting season is upon us. Excitement is high for the whole hunting community, but we’d bet no one is quite as pumped as we are about what’s coming this season. TEK 2.0 will be hitting retailers near you this season! It’s hard to fully express how excited we are about...

Working with Different DogsWorking with Different Dogs

Working with Different Dogs

by Tom Keer

I’m a setter man. I’ve owned Irish setters and English setters, and some day I’ll probably own a Gordon setter. I like the way they hunt with their heads held high, their energy, and their biddable natures. Setters like people, and even better than that they like having a job...

Colliers électroniques : choisir le bon modèle et l'utiliser correctementColliers électroniques : choisir le bon modèle et l'utiliser correctement

Colliers électroniques : trouver le bon modèle et l'utiliser correctement

by Lynne Frady

Je ne suis pas sûr qu'un autre outil de dressage suscite autant de débats que les colliers électroniques. Certains les adorent et d'autres pensent qu'ils ont été créés par le diable en personne. Cela laisse de nombreux novices perplexes quant à ce dans quoi ils s'engagent avec un collier électronique. Après des années de dressage et d'expérience, je peux officiellement dire...

E-Collars: Finding the Right One and Using it CorrectlyE-Collars: Finding the Right One and Using it Correctly

E-Collars: Finding the Right One and Using it Correctly

by Lynne Frady

I’m not sure if any other training tool stirs a debate like e-collars. Some people love them and others think they were made by the devil himself. This leaves many novices confused about what they’re getting into with an e-collar. After years of training and experience, I can officially tell...

Shed Hunting: Help Your Dog Help You - Part 2Shed Hunting: Help Your Dog Help You - Part 2

Shed Hunting: Help Your Dog Help You - Part 2

by The SportDOG Staff

In my last article I described the benefits of shed antler hunting in the off-season and how to get your dog started in this fun sport. Now let me go into more detail about how to teach your dog to efficiently hunt for sheds. A dog has three weapons to use...

Spring Training for Your Gun DogSpring Training for Your Gun Dog

Spring Training for Your Gun Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

The warm weather is upon us and the dogs are no longer content to spend time inside. It’s time to be working and getting ready for season. Polar vortexes may have limited your ability to be out this winter, so it’s very important to be out now enjoying the sunshine...

Shed Hunting: Starting Your Dog Out the Right Way - Part 1Shed Hunting: Starting Your Dog Out the Right Way - Part 1

Shed Hunting: Starting Your Dog Out the Right Way - Part 1

by The SportDOG Staff

It’s too bad bird seasons only last a few months. It seems like fall arrives and brings the excitement of pheasant and duck hunting, but then before you know it winter has set in and all you can do is dream and wait for the next season. Thankfully there’s another...

Handing Over the Reins...or Check CordsHanding Over the Reins...or Check Cords

Handing Over the Reins...or Check Cords

by Tom Keer

Time marches on, we all know that.  A new generation grabbing the reins is exciting and terrifying, all at the same time.  There is a bittersweet part of handing over the reins, the transmitters, and the check cords.  The bitter part is that it means that we’re getting older.  The...

Finding the Right NoBark Collar for Your Hunting DogFinding the Right NoBark Collar for Your Hunting Dog

Finding the Right NoBark Collar for Your Hunting Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

Our NoBark Collars are famous for helping teach your dog when to be silent, but how do you know which one is right for your gun dog? We offer three models of NoBark collars to allow you to pick the best solution for your dog. Below are some helpful tips...

What You Need to Know About the SportDOG LauncherWhat You Need to Know About the SportDOG Launcher

What You Need to Know About the SportDOG Launcher

by The SportDOG Staff

We are proud to announce that the SportDOG Brand® Remote Launcher System is hitting stores near you. We have information about the latest in our dog training line on our website. Currently, these are not available for purchase directly from us, but they are hitting shelves at brick and mortar...

Training Retrieve to HandTraining Retrieve to Hand

Training Retrieve to Hand

by Ben Busby

We often lean on our ProStaff when we run into difficulty training. ProStaffer Ben Busby has provided insight on training the critical "Retrieve to Hand"  in this week's blog. I have heard of different gun dog owners making the statement that their dogs have been retrieving but sometimes will stop short...

Making a Difference for the Grouse Population in North DakotaMaking a Difference for the Grouse Population in North Dakota

Making a Difference for the Grouse Population in North Dakota

by The SportDOG Staff

Susan Felege and her partners with the University of North Dakota received a SportDOG Brand Conservation Fund Grant in 2012 for their work in investigating the Nesting Ecology-Response to Gas and Oil Development in Western North Dakota. A year into the project, the team has learned a lot about nesting...

Training Your Retriever to DummiesTraining Your Retriever to Dummies

Training Your Retriever to Dummies

by The SportDOG Stafftestswarna

Training a retriever can be one of the most rewarding experiences any hunter can have. There are no secrets involved: just patience, repetition, perseverance, consistency and the ability to anticipate reaction. In short, the trainer needs to be just a little smarter than his pupil. This is not always as...


Raised in the Finger Lakes area of New York State, Jim was involved in hunting and birddogs from an early age. Upon graduation from college, he joined the US Army in 1967. He served until 1989, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After his retirement, Jim and his wife...Raised in the Finger Lakes area of New York State, Jim was involved in hunting and birddogs from an early age. Upon graduation from college, he joined the US Army in 1967. He served until 1989, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After his retirement, Jim and his wife...

LTC Jim Morehouse

6 articles

Raised in the Finger Lakes area of New York State, Jim was involved in hunting and birddogs from an early age. Upon graduation from college, he joined the US Army in 1967. He served until 1989, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After his retirement, Jim and his wife...

Chris has spent most of his life duck hunting or training in the field. Over the years, his program evolved into one of the most accomplished hunt test programs in the country. Webb Footed Kennels, Inc. has produced more than 350 Hunting Retriever Champions, 175 Master Hunters, and 35 Grand...Chris has spent most of his life duck hunting or training in the field. Over the years, his program evolved into one of the most accomplished hunt test programs in the country. Webb Footed Kennels, Inc. has produced more than 350 Hunting Retriever Champions, 175 Master Hunters, and 35 Grand...

Chris Akin

7 articles

Chris has spent most of his life duck hunting or training in the field. Over the years, his program evolved into one of the most accomplished hunt test programs in the country. Webb Footed Kennels, Inc. has produced more than 350 Hunting Retriever Champions, 175 Master Hunters, and 35 Grand...

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Joe Pausha

2 articles

Joe is the owner/trainer of Rooster Run Kennels, specializing in developing dogs for all aspects of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels offers training for pointers and flushers and customizes training for each hunter’s type and level of hunting. Rooster Run Kennels is the home of the first retriever to take 1st...

Charlie Jurney has been training performance and hunting dogs for more than 30 years. During that time he has produced hundreds of titled dogs including Grand Hunting Retriever Champions, Hunting Retriever Champions, Master Hunters, Grand Master Hunting Retriever Champions, and Master Hunting Retrievers. His writings have been featured in The...Charlie Jurney has been training performance and hunting dogs for more than 30 years. During that time he has produced hundreds of titled dogs including Grand Hunting Retriever Champions, Hunting Retriever Champions, Master Hunters, Grand Master Hunting Retriever Champions, and Master Hunting Retrievers. His writings have been featured in The...

Charlie Jurney

20 articles

Charlie Jurney has been training performance and hunting dogs for more than 30 years. During that time he has produced hundreds of titled dogs including Grand Hunting Retriever Champions, Hunting Retriever Champions, Master Hunters, Grand Master Hunting Retriever Champions, and Master Hunting Retrievers. His writings have been featured in The...

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